About Lady Elrienne

I'm a graphic designer who loves to write, draw, and play video games. While my tastes in video games are wide and varied, the Sims games are something that I particularly enjoy since I can also use them as a story-telling medium. Thus the primary (possibly only) use for this blogging account will be to document the lives of my challenge sims, which I hope people will enjoy. For those who are curious, I am known as LadyElrienne on boolprop.com and SolarrinXV on the Sims 2 and 3 sites. However, I really haven't done anything on the Sims' sites, which mean you won't find anything of interest if you look me up in either place. Unless you are really curious about what achievement badges I've unlocked while bothering to be logged in for it since the Showtime patch came out, of course.

The Overlords still live


I know it’s been a very long time since I’ve updated my legacy, but a lot of stuff happened in the family and I had to put my life on hold for over a year to help with a whole lot of stuff. However, things have finally returned to some semblance of normal and I’m actively preparing to get back to my Sims 3 challenges. I’m not sure how soon the next Overlord chapter will be ready because I’m in the process of making sure that my game is running stably before playing them again. However, I’m hoping that it won’t be very long before I can play at least a chapter’s worth. At least Dementia should have her wedding and be able to move out in the next chapter. I hope people are looking forward to it, because I know she is.

Chapter 3.3 – Scares and hugs and makeovers, oh my!

Welcome back! That didn’t take long at all, did it? Last time they ran out of Ferby leftovers, certain extended family members (I’m looking at you, Helspeth and Ida) couldn’t make up their minds what Personalities roles they wanted to have, Dementia was asked to move in with Ferby and Ripley twice (once by each of them), important portraits disappeared (why me?), Horror was brought back as a playable ghost (yay!), and the boys’ Imaginary Friends were made real (finally). Then there’s the fact that good old Aunt Helspeth decided to turn Aunt Lucrezia into a vampire when Lu and her husband Borgio were already past their earliest possible deathdays. Sadly, this will guarantee that Lu’s going to be a widow for a while because it’s impossible for Imaginary Friends to be turned into vampires.

At any rate, let’s see what shenanigans the Overlords got up to the last time I had a chance to play them before my unexpected hiatus.


And what better way to start off the chapter than showing that Gnarl’s Coward trait does indeed make him faint at the sight of playable ghosts like Horror. Ah, this brings back fond memories of Lucrezia, doesn’t it?


Emperor: “That was so not cool, Terrible.”

Terrible: “Don’t be such a baby – I scare you all the time.”

Emperor: “Yeah, but this time you did it in a confined space that LE had to put the walls down for. I don’t think she’s happy about that.”


Terrible: “So? You’re not normally afraid of her.”

Emperor: “Yeah, well I just found out that she can make me and Sunshine have a dozen kids if she wants. I don’t want any!”

I can find a way to make you suffer too, if I so choose, Terrible.

Terrible: “Bite me.”

No. Grumpy people don’t taste good.

Terrible: “And you know this… how?”

You don’t want to know.


“You know, I’d understand if you didn’t like this one, LE. Although the distorted image and the overly red tint does seem a bit appropriate.”

You have a point, but I might still have you do it over again. Let’s worry about other portraits first though. You can take a break if you want though, because I’m going to go make sure De makes over the Imaginary Friends.


Gnarl, why are you in your bathing suit?

Gnarl: “Because I was just getting into the hot tub when De called me for a makeover.”

I swear that I should put that hot tub in the family inventory for a while. Every time I turn around someone is getting into the hot tub instead of doing what I want them to do.

Dementia: “A good soak in the hot tub actually sounds really good about now, come to think of it.”

No, De. You have two more makeovers to do.

Dementia: “Fine. Be that way.”

Gnarl: “Can I go now?”

Yes, you can go, Gnarl.


Gnarl Overlord, Emperor’s IF. He’s a Friendly, Inappropriate Coward with a Green Thumb who Can’t Stand Art. He likes Pop music, Fruit Parfaits, and the color Gray. He’s a Gemini who wants to have a Bottomless Nectar Cellar. I can get him started on the LTW, but there’s no way he’s going to be able to achieve it before he has to move out. That’s one of those ones that takes a looooong time, if not as bad as Monster Maker.


A little while later…

Igor, why are you wearing your formal?

Igor: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I know for a fact that the pirate captain coat was what was set in your formalwear tab.

Igor: “I don’t see any reason to pander to everyone else’s definition of normal.”

Oh, that’s right, you’re Insane. I almost forgot.

Igor: “Are you going to yell at me if I go watch TV for a while?”

Go right ahead.

Dementia: “Can I watch TV too?”

No, you still have work to do.

Dementia: “Drat.”


Igor Overlord, Terrible’s IF. He’s a Lucky, Insane, Hopeless Romantic, Couch Potato of a Loner. He likes Pop music, Spaghetti, and the color Lilac. He’s a Sagittarius who wants Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers (just like Dewey did!). I’ll get him as far along in Guitar and Charisma as I can before he has to move out and be sure to give him his own guitar before he leaves too so that he can keep practicing in the land of Story Progression.


Wow, Minion, you’re the only one who was actually wearing his everyday wear for the makeover. Good job!

Minion: “Um, thank you?”

So what are you going to do with the rest of your evening?

Minion: “I was thinking about asking Horror if he wanted to clean the house with me.”

Sounds like a great plan. Hey, De, want to join them?

Dementia: “No.”

All right. I suppose you can go watch TV then.

Dementia: “Yes!”


Minion Overlord, Dark’s IF (if you somehow hadn’t guessed). He’s an Adventurous, Neat, Easily Impressed Genius with a Good Sense of Humor. He likes Chinese music, Ratatouille, and the color Turquoise. He’s a Libra who wants to be a Master Magician. I’ll do my best to get him as far as I can in that career before he has to move out, because I like him and there are actually things I can do to make his promotions come faster.


De doesn’t have it nearly as hard now that the IFs have been made real and Horror is back. Horror can cook, Gnarl actually likes to garden, and Horror and Minion both get fun from cleaning. De’s primary responsibility at the moment is pretty much doing makeovers, which actively contribute toward her last promotion for her Lifetime Wish.


That night Dark went to a party at Ferby’s house.

Ferby: “Dark! It’s wonderful to see you!”


Dark: “OK, I admit it, I miss you too, Ferby. And not entirely just because of the food. How’s married life?”

Ferby: “Absolutely wonderful. I couldn’t be happier.”

Dark: “I’m happy to hear it.”


Ripley: “I am most pleased to see that you have decided to accept our invitation, Dark.”

Dark: “Just because I’m a loner doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally enjoy talking to people I actually like. Although in hindsight I wish I’d thought of waiting to talk to you until we were standing on the same ground level. I just know LE is taking pictures that I’ll look short in.”

Ripley: “I would not concern myself with that if I were you. From what I have been able to determine, LE has a talent for taking embarrassing pictures.”

Dark: *muttering* “Yeah, even if she has to stalk you in the bathroom to do it.”

Ripley: “What was that?”

Dark: “Uh… nothing. Is that a different outfit than usual?”


Ripley: “Indeed it is. Ferby and I are going to have a baby.”

Dark: “Really? That’s wonderful!”

Wow, I think Dark is genuinely excited for them.


Dark: “I’m really happy for you guys.”


Ripley: “Thank you, Dark. It is deeply touching to know that your feelings of endearment to us are great enough to feel happiness.”

Awww. Dark loves his family. (Don’t tell him I said this, but he’s such a sweetheart for an evil loner.)


The next day Gnarl worked on his Nectorology skill (at least I think that’s what it’s called). Might as well do what he can toward his LTW while he has the chance, right?


That day the brides-to-be got their adult makeovers too.

As you can see, Lydia loves hers. What else would an evil and childish sim wear? Plus it turns out that Yellow is her favorite color, so I let her have some in most of her outfits.

“This is awesome! I’ve even got plastic cat ears! That is so cool!”


Sunshine: “Wow, De, I love it!”

Dementia: “No problem.”

Sunshine: “Blue is my favorite color.”

Dementia: “I know. LE reminded me.”


Jael: “I look amazing, De, thanks!”

Dementia: “You’re welcome.”

Jael: “Just what inspired you for the semi-warrior princess look?”

Dementia: “Well, I thought about the fact that you’re Terrible’s girlfriend and figured I’d give you a look that’ll remind him he’s not the biggest bad in the world. You know, for his grumpy days.”

Jael: “Good thinking. You’re really good at this.”

Dementia: “I know.”


She may have a harmless personality (Good Sense of Humor, Family-Oriented, Hopeless Romantic, Charismatic, Ambitious), but I wouldn’t want to mess with Jael just the same. Somehow she strikes me as a girl who can take care of herself.



Yes, Igor?

“How long is it going to take to max my Charisma? Practicing speeches isn’t nearly as fun as watching TV.”

It’ll take a really long time, and so will mastering the guitar.

“Ah, nuts.”

I have no idea why the game randomly decided that your LTW should be to master Charisma and Guitar when you’re neither a Virtuoso nor Charismatic (or particularly social, thanks to that Loner trait).

“I have no idea either.”


Sunshine: “Aaagh!”

Lydia: “Heh heh heh.”

Sunshine: “Why did you scare me?”

Lydia: “Because it was funny.”

Sunshine: “You—! You’re such an evil child!”

Lydia: “Yes, and?”

Sunshine: “You b—!”

Hey! We’ve got a legacy of rebelliously mild language to uphold around here, Sunshine. You want to marry Emperor, then get with the program.

Sunshine: “Right. Sorry.”

Lydia: *smirks*

That’s enough out of you, Lydia.


Whatchya doin’, Horror?

“I figured I’d take a little break and do some Inventing. I’m Eccentric, so I think it’s fun.”

Yet another thing I always loved about you.


Meanwhile, Ayesha apparently decided to catch up on the news.

The local news (at least the part I care about) is as follows:
Sunshine became the Slayer. That won’t last long since she’s marrying into the active household in less than a sim week. Active sims can’t be used in Personalities scenarios, which means that either the role will be dormant until she moves out or I’ll have to manually reassign it to someone else.
Vincenzio proposed to Vanessa, his pregnant girlfriend. They won’t be due to get married until after the baby is born, but at least the kid won’t be illegitimate for long. I’m already foreseeing illegitimate children courtesy of his brother Tucker, I don’t need them from him too. I’m still trying to decide how I’d handle mothers of illegitimate sparespawn on the family lists.
Emil’s the Gigolo again. *sigh*
Ida decided to become the Cat, which is what Helspeth was before deciding to start playing roleswap with her daughter over and over again.
Vincenzio became the Robin (as in Robin Hood for those who forgot).
And now Helspeth is the Harpy again. Maybe she’ll stick with it for a while this time?


Here we go again. Is the Jaws theme playing, or is that just me?


Emperor: “Ooga booga!”

Dark: “Yaaahh!”

Wow, Dark has the best scared face ever.


Dark: “Oh, man. You really got me there, Emperor.”

Emperor: “Heh heh heh.”


Emperor: “Can I have a hug?”

Dark: “Seriously? I should probably be mad at you now, you know.”

Emperor: “Well?”


Dark: “Oh, why not?”


Emperor: “Later, Dark.”

Dark: “Later, Emperor.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was all on free will. I just sat back and took pictures. This is what passes for normal around here, actually.


And where was Terrible while his fellow triplets were bonding in the usual Overtriplet fashion? Rocking out on his mother’s guitar, of course.

OK, guys, stop whatever you’re doing. It’s time for all six non-ghost men in the house to attend their graduation ceremony.


OK, let’s see… It looks like everyone made it. Wait a minute. Why isn’t Emperor in his graduation gown? I guess the coding hasn’t made him change yet? I don’t know.


Nope. This is all of them leaving afterward. Apparently Emperor got away with wearing that for graduation. I suppose that means he really is too cool for school. Terrible does not seem to approve, but he’s probably just jealous.

Dark was voted Most Likely to Become a Sports Star. Seriously? He’d hate being surrounded by fans, let alone a sports team. I know he’s Athletic, but come on.
Emperor is Most Likely to Take Over the World. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Terrible is Most Likely to be a Rock Star. Also a fair assumption by their classmates.
Minion is Most Likely to be Mediocre, which is making me look forward to playing the Castaways in my ISBI again.
Gnarl is Most Likely to Offend Others, which also reminds me of my ISBI. Additionally, they really hit the nail on the head with that one.
Igor is Most Likely to Get Married. Must be that Hopeless Romantic trait of his.
None of them were Class Valedictorian for some reason.

Later that day I found out their uncle Terrill died. That’s Dewey’s younger brother, not the guy Dementia is going to marry. At least now there’s only one Terrill of significance to the family running around town. I think they only have one aunt left on that side of the family.


Dark, are you… skinny dipping?

“I should think that you can figure that out on your own.”

But… why?

“Why not? I was alone out here until you showed up.”

But it’s outside where any paparazzi could just stroll up and notice.


… You’re doing this just to shock me, aren’t you?

“Not really.”


“No. My dastardly plan is simply to make you too embarrassed to hang around much longer. Is it working?”

*sigh* I suppose. I’m going to go ignore you and your indecency now. Don’t spend too long in there though, there’s someone inside you might want to see before going to bed.


Dark: “Mom!”

Tyranica: “Dark! You’re all grown up!”

Awwww! I would like to point out that I have not been taking pictures of every time the Overlords hug each other. For every time I catch them doing it in a good location to photograph, I miss or can’t get a good picture of at least two other occasions. The triplets are absolute gluttons for hugs, and don’t let Terrible try to tell you otherwise.

This same night I got the popup that Ferby and Ripley had twins! A boy name Deon (Clumsy and Artistic) and a girl named Annie (a Clumsy Couch Potato). I think it’s cute how they’re both Clumsy like their dad. Although I checked the family tree and saw that neither of them are blue. There have been seven children between two different Ripleys and not one of them has gotten Ripley’s blue skin? Really? Just what do I have to do to get a blue baby in one of these challenges?! Oh, well. At least I can be reasonably sure that they’re cute regardless of coloring.


Guess what happened the next day? You know what this picture is? De finally achieved her LTW making over Susana Bunch! Whoo! Go De!

She may not look excited yet, but wait until she realizes that means she can finally get out from under my heavy thumb.


When I sent Minion to the park to do some Magician work, I found Hellcat and her little boy there. Brady definitely has his mom’s hair and eyes. Technically the skintone too, though I’m not sure I’m going to count that since Emil’s is pretty much the same as well.

Speaking of Emil, he’s old now! That means he’s automatically disqualified from being the Gigolo. Finally. If he knows what’s good for him he’ll actually pay attention to his wife instead of becoming the Casanova again. I may step in otherwise, because Hellcat doesn’t deserve to have the Casanova’s admirers literally attacking her because she has the audacity to be married to him.


I check back in on the house just to find this happening.

Gnarl: “Horror, can’t you clean the bathroom later?! I’m bathing in here!”

Horror: “Oh, sorry. The ability to float through walls makes me forget about things like knocking sometimes.”

Gnarl: “Seriously – get out!”

Horror: “I’m going.”

Gnarl: “You too, LE!”

Sorry, Gnarl. I wanted to know what the yelling was about. (Apparently sims no longer recognize privacy situations if they’re doing the Clean the Whole House interaction. I did not know that until this happened. I expected Horror to come back to that bathroom later.)


How’s the prestidigitation going, Minion?

“Great! I’ve already been promoted once!”

Good! It’s time to go home now though. You need dinner.

“No kidding – I’m starving!”

Wait a minute, what’s this popup…? What?! Borgio died?! I’m sad now. He was 105.


Minion: “De, did you just criticize my family?”

Dementia: “Yeah, want to make something of it?”

Minion: “But I’m literally a magical doll given life through your brother’s imagination and made real by a potion mixed by your mother. Doesn’t that make your family my family?”

Dementia: “Um…”


Dementia: “While I’m generally against it, I think I want to apologize this time. That was purely a misfire of my Mean Spirited trait.”

Minion: “It’s OK, De. I think in this case your Mean Spiritedness is it’s own punishment.”

I’m cracking up here. That was hilarious! De really did just walk up to Minion and criticize his family! Just when I thought she’d run out of surprises, then she pulls this.


Dementia: “Hi, Terrill. Want to come over?”

Igor: *apparently didn’t get out of the hot tub in time to change before his soaps came on.*


Dementia: “What do you mean ‘why?’ I’m your girlfriend and haven’t seen you in over a sim week, isn’t that reason enough? I’m on the verge of my Adult birthday, Terrill, the clock is ticking. Are you going to get over here when so nicely invited, or do I have to dump your sorry butt and find someone who isn’t going to question the fact that I might actually want to see him periodically?”

Wow. Do not mess with Mean Spirited women, even if you are Grumpy.

Gnarl: *gasp* “Lisa’s baby is actually Daryl’s love child? And now she’s dying of cancer?”


Dementia: “It’s nice to know I have the ability to remind Terrill what his priorities should be. He’s on his way.”

Good. If all goes well, maybe you can finally get engaged. I’ve been trying to get you two engaged forever.

Gnarl: “If Karen finds out that he was cheating it’ll destroy her!”

Dementia: “What is he going on about back there?”

No idea. I don’t personally understand the fascination with soap operas myself. Every time I hear about what’s going on in one it always seems to involve people cheating on their significant others with their significant others’ best friends or someone dying of cancer… or both. I think Terrill’s here already.

Dementia: “Wow, that was fast. I guess I made an impression.”


Dementia: “Terrill, you’re here! Um… when did you become a vampire?”

Terrill: “Not that long ago. You hadn’t heard?”

Dementia: “Nope. LE must have not been paying attention to the popups when that happened, because she probably would have mentioned it.”

(Just when did that happen? His being a vampire took me completely by surprise.)


Is it just me, or does he look kind of green as a vampire?

Dementia: “Terrill?”

Terrill: “Yeah?”


Dementia: “Will you marry me? Preferably before my birthday?”


Terrill: “Aren’t you blinded by the shiny ring, De?”

Dementia: “I’m strategically holding the box in such a way that the lid blocks the ring from my sight.”


Terrill: “Oh, well as long as you’re OK, I’d love to marry you!”


Dementia: “Considering that it’s my birthday in just a couple of days, want to spend the night and get married in the morning?”

Terrill: “Sure, De. Whatever you want.”

Look at De’s face. That is one girl who is really happy to finally be on the eve of her wedding. She looks almost as relieved as I am.


After everyone went to bed, I decided that I’d give De one last parting gift to enjoy before the ceremony. Now what’s the one thing that would make her even happier?


A truly ginormous TV, that’s what! In the morning, she gets to watch TV with Terrill, then get married. But that will have to wait for the next chapter.


Additionally, while I missed getting a picture of it for some reason, De did finally track Tucker down and give him that makeover he refused before. He pretty much went half and half with the features he inherited from each of his parents, didn’t he?

Speaking of that branch of the family, Vincenzio and his bride-to-be Vanessa had a boy named Jarrett! He’s not Jarrett Overlord yet, but he will be as soon as they get married.

And that is all I have for this chapter. The only other thing of note is the fact that Horror will not be rekindling his relationship with his former wife, because Desiree got remarried literally the day before I was able to resurrect him. She spent the entire time she remained a vampire (a normal sim’s lifetime, almost) staying single. Then, just when I was thinking I’d be able to have a wonderful love story of the two parted lovers being reunited, she gets turned human and apparently decided that the clock was ticking. Ironically, she ended up marrying one of the two adult guys I inserted into the town with the six teen girls which makes her the step-mother of one of the girls that Tucker keeps bouncing around in between. We’ll see how that turns out. Of course, because Horror and Desiree are exes only because he died and she remarried before he returned from the grave, they still have almost maxed relationships. I wonder if that will cause any drama once he’s not under my control anymore. I guess we’ll have to wait to find out on that front as well.

Before uploading this chapter I made sure to load up the saves for both of my challenges to make sure that they still work. Fortunately, they loaded and ran just fine, which means that I’ll be able to play enough for new chapters in the near future. Personally, I’m excited to finally be getting back to them. I missed my challenge sims, and really missed writing about their crazy lives.

Next time we’ll see how the Overlords react to the sudden inclusion of the gameplay mechanics of both the Supernatural and Seasons expansion packs! How will those factor into the overall story? Come back to find out! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.2 – Life without Ferby

Welcome back (at long last) to the Evil Overlord Legacy, home of my horribly monstrously incredibly somewhat evil sims! Last time… Ferby finally got married to Ripley Castaway 2 (otherwise known as Ripley McWhorter thanks to a shocking twist of EA’s SP), making her Ripley Overlord! I hope they have blue babies together. (If you have no idea why I specifically want blue babies, read my Alien Castaway ISBI. The link to it is somewhere underneath this post because the theme I’m using for this blog doesn’t let me put it in the sidebar for some reason. Short version – the original Ripley utterly failed to give me a single blue baby.) A couple of days later, the triplets grew up into hilarious (especially on them) outfits! Let’s see what happens next, shall we?

First up – spare updates! The morning after the boys grew up saw quite a bit of Story Progression Personalities reshuffling but I’ll only mention the ones that involve anyone of interest. First Emil gave up being the Gigolo! Maybe now he and Hellcat can have a healthier marriage.
Helspeth became the Nosferatu while the former one (whoever that was) took over her old role of being the Cat. Because Taylor (Helspeth’s husband) is the Dracul, this means that the Dracul and the Nosferatu are married. That could be… interesting.
Then, just as I was thinking there weren’t any more changes of any real significance, Emil became the Casanova. Now he’s a playboy instead of a paid boy toy. Ugh.


Dark gets up just after 6am to the sound of his phone ringing.

“This had better be important.”


“You want me to what?! No, I am not taking the Celebrity Opportunity to try out some restaurant! That is not happening – ever!”


“Why? Because then I’ll have to run around town to tell three different sims who don’t live with me about how great the restaurant supposedly is! Loner – hello! Now in the future I suggest that you remember I’m an evil loner and not call me before the sun rises!”


“Stupid celebrity opportunities.”

I know how you feel, Dark. If it’s one thing I hate waking up to, it’s the phone. Even more so when it’s no one I want to talk to.

“I didn’t even know they could call me this early.”

Neither did I, actually. Why don’t you go take a nice bubble bath instead of your customary shower? It’ll give you that Tranquil moodlet and make you feel better.

“Yeah, that’s actually a good idea.”


“LE, just what do you think you’re doing in here?”

…You’re being uncooperative.

“…Excuse me?”

I got Twallan’s Decensor for one reason and one reason only – I wanted to be able to see my sims play with the rubber ducky in the bathtub. The censors in The Sims 3 are so huge that it’s completely impossible to see better than just barely enough to know it’s happening! Ever since I put the Decensor in the game I’ve yet to get a single sim to play with the ducky in any family I’ve played! Now you won’t play with it either!

“I’ve got a ‘Ducky Time’ moodlet, which means that I’m playing with it.”


I don’t know about anyone else, but just letting the ducky float down by your feet doesn’t seem like actually playing with it to me. With the bubbles, you have to look really hard just to see the slightly yellow spot where the ducky is!

“Hey, it was your idea for me to take a bubble bath.”

Yeah, well I wasn’t going to take pictures of you bathing without something preserving a sense of modesty.

“For once, I feel almost grateful.”


“Except then I realize that you’re taking pictures of me in the bathtub at all. Get out!”

… Fine.


Guess what? They ran out of Ferby leftovers.


“Please tell me at least one of our wives-to-be is a Natural Cook.”

Um… No. None of them are. You may have to learn to cook for yourself if you want anything better than Quick Meals for the rest of your life.



Dementia: “Wait… what was I doing?”

You were going to eat something, De.

Dementia: “Are you sure?”


Terrible: *smirk* “Having fun with your absent-mindedness, De?”

Dementia: “Shut up, Terrible.”

Terrible: “Whatever you say, De.” *smirk*


Getting a job in Professional Sports, Emperor?


Good! Maybe you’ll see permanent wallpaper before you move out!


“You really think so?”

It’s a definite possibility.

“Wait… I just remembered… the sports career has outfits I’d rather not be seen in until the last few levels, doesn’t it?”

Indeed, it does.



Terrible: “Weren’t you up first, Dark?”

Dark: “Yeah, so?”

Terrible: “So why didn’t you make any real breakfast?”

Dark: “I don’t have any skill in cooking.”

Terrible: “And your point is…?”

Dark: “My frickin’ point is that I got woken up by a frickin’ opportunity call I didn’t want and didn’t feel like risking having to eat burnt food after that.  Plus I’m the heir, which means that I’m in charge now! Make your own frickin’ pancakes or whatever if you want them!”

Terrible: “Well somebody’s cranky this morning.”

Dark: “Like you’re one to talk.”

Terrible: “Touché.”

Can you tell they’re actually best friends?


“Why am I watching the cooking channel instead of my favorite one?”

Because you all need to learn to cook at least basic things without burning them. Your currently single Cooking point doesn’t guarantee that.

“But I didn’t want to skill. I wanted to sit around and be useless.”

We can’t always get what we want. Besides, this fulfilled that ‘Watch TV’ wish you had and is filling your fun bar anyway. You really have no room to complain.


“Are you planning on moving our parents’ urns out of the work-out room any time soon?”

… Probably. I haven’t decided on the final layout for their space in the family crypt.

“And this doesn’t seem like a priority to you?”

The level of priority has nothing to do with it. You only have your natural life to care about what the mausoleum looks like. I have to live with it for generations after you. I’m not the most decisive person when it comes to architecture.

“Could you at least put them somewhere else in the meantime?”

… I’ll think about it.


Terrible’s still working on Guitar. He has to master all of the instruments before he can move out, but he may as well take them one at a time. It looks like he’s concentrating really hard on learning the more difficult chords right now.


“Ugh. Why do I have to clean?”

Because you’re the only one in the house who’s already mastered skills related to your Lifetime Wish. The boys still have a lot of work to do. Ergo, cleaning is your job.

“But I’m a Couch Potato! I hate manual labor!”

Achieve your LTW, and you can get married and move out. Until then, your complaints fall on deaf ears.

“… Crap.”


Why aren’t you painting?

Dark: “I needed a break, OK?! I’m Athletic too, you know.”

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.

Dark: “I’d like to at least look vaguely athletic before my wedding.”

Fair enough. Carry on then.

Dementia (from off panel): “Hey! Why does he get to goof off?!”

Because he doesn’t complain nearly as much as you do. Plus he’s never moving out, which gives him his whole life to achieve his LTW.

Dementia: “Grrr!”

There’s another shower that needs scrubbing, De.

Dementia: “… Fine.”

Dark: “Heh heh heh.”


Whatcha doin’, Emperor?

“I’m upgrading this stereo, as if you didn’t already know that.”

That’s not your stereo though.

“No, it isn’t. It’s for a Handiness opportunity, which you also already knew.”

Yeah, but the readers didn’t know that until I made you explain it.

“Readers shmeaders.”

… I’m going to go see what’s going on outside, Mr. Crankypants.



Wait… Huh?


Noooooo! Not Kermit Felix! He’s been stalking the family in a totally not-annoying way forever! Now he’ll get replaced by paparazzi that do annoy me! Whyyyyyy?!


Grim Reaper: “You decided to stalk the Overlords on your deathday? There is being dedicated to your work, then there’s being obsessed with it. Guess which category this falls under.”

Kermit: “What can I say? I love my job! It’s been so much better since the cows were driven away by Tyranica Overlord.”

Emperor: “A paparazzi is dying on our front lawn.”

Dementia: “Seriously?”

Terrible: “Yep.”

Dark: “Bwahahahahahahah!”

Grim Reaper: “All right, Kermit. Come along with me now.”

Kermit: “Just one more picture?”

Grim Reaper: “No.”

Kermit: “… Fine.”

In other news, Ida aged up that night and became the Nosferatu instead of Helspeth while Helspeth took over Ida’s Harpy duties. Taylor retired from being the Dracul for some reason as well.


Ferby: “I don’t suppose you’d like to move in with us, De?”

Dementia: “You know LE’s not going to let me move out until I achieve my LTW.”

Ferby: “How about after that?”

Dementia: “I’d consider it, since your place is much more extravagant than Terrill’s, except it’s way too bright and cheery around here for my tastes.”

Ferby: “I can understand that. For some reason I’m the only one in the family who doesn’t like the dark and creepy look.”

Dementia: “That’s because you’re a goody-two-shoes.”

(I didn’t make this up. Ferby really did ask De if she’d like to move in with his family while she was over for a New Outfit makeover job.)


This sort of thing is shockingly common, believe it or not. I’ve had Good sims who hug each other less than the triplets. Even Terrible’s been known to initiate a hug, though I keep on not noticing until it’s too late to take a picture. I suppose they never decided to put the inherent closeness of sharing a womb behind them. Emperor’s definitely the huggiest of the bunch though. It never fails to make me laugh.


The next thing on De’s agenda was to track down the cousins to give them their adult makeovers. She finally tracked Ida down… standing around in the sun… for no apparent reason. I think they made vampires only get bad moodlets instead of dying from the sun because every non-active vampire would be dead in a day otherwise.

Dementia: “Let’s see… You’re the Nosferatu now, which means you’re supposed to be intimidating. The pigtails and blue sweater definitely aren’t doing it.”


Dementia: “There you go!”

Ida: “What did you do to me?!”

Dementia: “I made you beautiful yet scary.”

Ida: “I look ridiculous!”

Dementia: “Um…”

Ida: “You think I want to go running around looking like a villainess from a cheesy fantasy?”

Dementia: “…Why not?”


Ida: “Fine, whatever. I’ll wear it, OK?”

Dementia: “If you’re not sure, ask your mom what she thinks about it.”

Helspeth: *thinking* “Does my daughter look scarier than me now? No fair!”


Dementia: “Hey, Vinny—!”

Vincenzio: “Vincenzio, De. Not Vinny –Vincenzio.”

Dementia: “Of course your name’s Vincenzio – I know that!”

Vincenzio: “OK, then stop—”

Dementia: “Now, Vinny, the reason I wanted to talk to you is because I noticed that your birthday was a little less than kind to you. I can totally fix it for you. Here’s my portfolio.”

Vincenzio: “Your Mean-Spirited habit of calling me an unwanted nick-name aside, a makeover would probably be a good idea.”

Dementia: “Yeah, I was thinking that Young Adult is a bit early to start losing your hair.”


Dementia: “So…”

Vincenzio: “All right. I’ll grudgingly admit that you know what you’re doing. … Thanks.”

Dementia: “You’re welcome, Vinny.”

Vincenzio: *sigh*

Seriously, the non-active vampires are idiots! Look back there – it’s another one! The moment no one’s controlling them they sudden forget they have a sun allergy!

Dementia: “Uh, LE? You’re kind of interrupting…”

Oh… Sorry.


Dementia: “See, Tucker? I have loads of experience! Wouldn’t a post-birthday makeover be great?”

Tucker: “Hmmm…. No.”

Dementia: “No?”

Tucker: “No.”

Dementia: “Seriously? I’ll do it for free, if that’ll change your mind.”

Tucker: “That won’t be necessary.”

Dementia: “Uh… I guess I’ll… get back to you… later.”


Dementia: “Hi, Aunt Lu! When we had to rewind time and do Ferby’s wedding all over again, I didn’t get the chance to redo that awesome makeover I gave you. Want to get it done now?”

Lucrezia: “In the library?”

Dementia: “… Why not?”

Lucrezia: “Talk to me later, De. Not now.”

Dementia: “… Fine.”


To make the two makeover refusals up to De (I’d decided to try Solicit Makeover instead of just offering like usual), I had her stop over at her Aunt Hel’s house to make over her cousin Rose again. Rose is still intensely adorable. Still definitely an Overlord too.


Soaking in the hot tub. What a constructive use of your time. … Are you ignoring me? … Hellooooo! … Dark? … Fine. I’ll leave you to your relaxation then.

Wait a minute… De! You forgot to garden!

Dementia (off panel): “… Crap.”

(Behind the scenes: I was this close to finishing the chapter when life happened and I had to leave it for a while. A brief summary of why I haven’t been updating my challenge blogs is at the end of the chapter. Sorry I was MIA for so long.)


Nica! How’s the afterlife?

“Relaxing. It’s been nice to spend time with Dewey without worrying about the Forces of Unspeakable Evil for a change.”

But… aren’t you evil?

“No, that was my dad.”

No, I mean, aren’t the Overlords evil?

“Well, yes, but we’re not unspeakably evil.”

You have a point.


Forget something, De?

“Didn’t we have portraits of Mom, Dad, me, and Ferby around here somewhere?”

Um… yes. In fact everyone but you had multiples because I kept on not liking how they turned out. … Why?

“I can’t find them anywhere.”

What? *looks around* *searches harder* *examines every possible surface in a blind panic* AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! WHERE ARE THEY?! THEY’RE GONE! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!

“While I’m not normally one for showing concern… are you OK, LE?”

*cries* No. No I’m not. The portraits of the founders are still there. The portraits of the spares and Imaginary Friends are still there – even Hellcat’s! Your and Ferby’s portraits aren’t that hard to redo, but… Nica and Dewey’s portraits are gone! Even the ones I didn’t like! AND THIS HAPPENED AFTER THEY DIED! What am I supposed to do now for their mausoleum sections – have someone paint portraits of their ghosts?! *cries some more*

“Um… I’ll just leave you to deal with that. I’m going to have a salad for lunch.”

*deeply sarcastic* Your words of comfort overwhelm me with their sincerity.

“Whatever. I’m hungry”

After I got over the emotional shock of the game forgetting that six or seven paintings on the walls existed (seriously, they are absolutely gone), I finally got an “Oh, my ghost” opportunity. (For those who don’t know, that’s an opportunity that can pop up when someone in the house has died and less than eight sims are left. You can have the sim with the opportunity take any gravestone and have the sim resurrected as a playable ghost.) Technically, according to the rules I’m following, I’m not supposed to accept the opportunity to bring back family members. However….


I decided that my most favorite Imaginary Friend ever deserved another chance at life.


Not to mention a chance at the Adult lifestage that EA’s Story Progression made him completely skip. Killing him early. When he was my favorite. I’m not bitter… anymore.

Hi, Horror!

Horror: “Hi, LE! So I guess I’m kind of a ‘living’ ghost right now?”

Something like that. I’m going to try to get you turned back into a normal sim, but it could take a while. Ambrosia is a pain to make.

Horror: “It is? Why?”

Because to even learn the recipe a sim has to have maxed points in Cooking. Fortunately we already have Lifefruit, so that won’t be an issue (though it would have been a pain if we didn’t already have some). However, then someone needs to get maxed points in Fishing and fish in the graveyard after midnight in hopes of catching a Deathfish. When all of these factors come together, then Ambrosia can be made and you can be a normal sim again.

Horror: “Something tells me that I’m going to be working on a lot of this myself.”

Good call. The Overlords are very busy.

Terrible: “So that’s the famous Horror that LE is always going on about. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

Hush, you. Not even Ferby managed to be as endearingly awesome as Horror, though he admittedly came extremely close.

Terrible: “Can he cook?”

Not as well as Ferby, but yes.

Terrible: “All right!”


OK, this picture has absolutely nothing to do with the Overlords or their legacy. This picture is here simply because I got Pets at about this time and this happening to the very first of my sims in any town trying to mount a horse was too funny not to take a picture of. I wasn’t originally planning on putting this in here, but I couldn’t make myself take it out. So here you are – an angsty teen-aged vampiress accidentally mounting a horse backwards and being extremely confused by it. Maybe someday the Overlords will have a horse and I can take pictures of them doing this.

I shall now return you to your regularly scheduled legacy challenge.


I almost feel sorry for De sometimes. I work her really hard right now because I’m trying to keep the house running while the boys get started on their LTWs and she’s still trying to get enough makeovers to achieve her own. However, this proves that I do let her take a break every once in a while. I let her take a nap because she actually rolled a wish for one.

Meanwhile, Ferby and Ripley are going to have at least twins because I gave him Fertility Treatment before he moved out and I used Twallan’s Master Controller to give it to Ripley too. I’d like to increase my chances of having at least one blue baby in town (or at least pink-haired) before they get too old to have more children. Additionally, Helspeth is now the Nosferatu again while Ida is the Harpy again. They just switched back to where they were just a couple of sim days ago! I wish they’d just make up their minds already.


Now that there’s room in the house and I have a reliable sim around to help with maintenance issues without my having to watch him all the time (that would be Horror), I decided to finally make all the IFs real. First up is Igor.

Terrible: “Drink this.”

Igor: “Why?”

Terrible: “Because I said so.”

Igor: “… OK, fine. Whatever.”


Terrible: “So why is this so important, LE?”

It’ll make him real, like Hellcat and your uncle Borgio, not to mention Horror.


Terrible: “You mean I’m getting my own personal minion who can actually do things?”

Um… Well…


Igor: “I think I’m going to go watch a sappy romance on TV. Preferably alone. I’m feeling lucky right now, so maybe the voices won’t interrupt.”

Terrible: “OK, so that’s a no on the minion thing. I’m sleepy. I’m going to bed.”

Wow. Igor’s traits are Couch Potato, Loner, Insane, Hopeless Romantic, and Lucky. I like him already. It’s too bad the Imaginary Friends won’t be able to stay long so that I can get the boys married.


Next up is the appropriately named Minion.

Dark: “Here, Minion. This is for you.”

Minion: “What is it?”

Dark: “It’s the potion that’ll make you real.”

Minion: “Seriously? That’s awesome!”


Minion: “Thanks, Dark. Being real is already better than I thought it would be.”

Dark: “You’re welcome. If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to go paint for a bit.”

Minion: “That’s fine. I think I’ll go help Horror clean the house.”

Dark: “Sounds great. See you later.”

Minion: “Later, Dark.”

These two have a shockingly healthy relationship, considering their personalities. Minion’s traits are Adventurous, Good Sense of Humor, Neat, Genius, and Easily Impressed. I like him too. This isn’t fair.


Last, but not least, is Gnarl.

Emperor: “Here, drink this. It’s supposed to turn you into a real sim.”

Gnarl: “It’s supposed to? It’s not going to make me explode or turn me into some unspeakable abomination of questionable science, is it?”

Emperor: “…Why would it do that?”

Gnarl: “Because you’re Eccentric.”

Emperor: “Don’t worry. I didn’t make the potion. I think Mom did, actually.”

Gnarl: “Oh, well in that case…”


Gnarl: “This stuff is making me feel really weird. Are you sure your mom wasn’t having a particularly insane moment when she made this?”

Emperor: *sighs* “You’ll be fine.”


Emperor: “See? What did I tell you? You’re fine.”

Gnarl: “Yeah, but…”

Emperor: “But what?”

Gnarl: “It just sudden occurred to me that I’m now a completely tangible sim in a house full of evil megalomaniacs. No offense.”

Emperor: “…You’re a Coward like Auntie Lu, aren’t you?”

Gnarl: “…Yes?”

Oh, wow. It figures that Mr. Can’t Stand Children managed to have an Imaginary Friend with a bizarre personality. Gnarl’s traits are Can’t Stand Art (boy is he going to hate living here), Inappropriate (which could be funny or a huge pain), Coward, Green Thumb, and Friendly. I don’t even know what to expect from his interactions with the Overlords.


As you can see, Dark rolled up the wish to attempt to cook himself breakfast for the first time in his entire life. He managed not to burn it! I’m so proud.

I didn’t get a picture of it for some reason, but Minion got a job as a Magician for his Lifetime Wish. Gnarl and Igor’s LTWs aren’t career-related. I’ll get into the rest of their stats, including LTWs, in the next chapter when I give them all minor makeovers (mostly for their non-everyday outfits).

Meanwhile, I get a Story Progression popup informing me that Vincenzio managed to knock up his girlfriend (Vanessa) the very night she aged into a Young Adult and became eligible for woohoo. I seriously had closed the popup about her aging up only a few real minutes before getting the popup about their “unfortunate software failure” in the bedroom. I don’t even know what to say about the non-evil Loner cousin getting his Good girlfriend pregnant practically the minute that woohooing with her became possible. I really didn’t see that one coming. I’ll have to keep an eye on that situation, and will not be pleased if he doesn’t make an honest woman of her. She has the most pleasant personality of all the girls I inserted into the town to balance the teen population somewhat, and definitely doesn’t deserve to be a single mother just because Vinny’s a Loner.


Ferby: “De, did Ripley just ask you to move in with us too?”

Dementia: “Yup.”

Ferby: “It’s amazing just how likable someone with your personality is. No offense.”

Dementia: “None taken, Ferby. I’m a bit baffled by it too.”

That’s really funny. Apparently Ripley likes Dementia. Just when I start to forget that she’s Insane, she decides that an evil, mean-spirited, absent-minded couch potato loser is the perfect person to have around to help with her newborn children when they arrive.

In other news, Helspeth apparently couldn’t deal with the impending death of her other older sister (Lucrezia, for those who are starting to have trouble keeping track of the extended family… or just forgot because of how long it’s been since I’ve uploaded a chapter). To remedy the issue, she turned Lu into a vampire. Technically, vampirism is only supposed to affect the length of the Young Adult and Adult lifestages, but I’ve noticed that the game often glitches and gives extended lifespans to elders if they get turned as an elder. It looks like that may have happened to Lucrezia, which means that I have no idea how long she’ll be around at this point. She was already on borrowed time (four or five days past the first day she could possibly die of old age) as it was. I guess it partly depends on whether or not a) she avoids getting turned back by a vampire hunter or b) the lifespan glitch doesn’t get corrected. We shall see, won’t we?

And on that note, the rest of the pictures that I already had before my unplanned hiatus are for the next chapter.

Speaking of my long absence from all things challenge-related, it’s been a chaotic several months for me. First I was sick, then I was incredibly busy, then there was a family crisis, then I went on a three-week trip, then I was sick in the midst of the aftermath of the family crisis, then was working too much to have any energy to write when I was actually home and conscious at the same time, then I was sick, then we were busy trying to get ready for the holidays. After all of that was over I had a day specifically set aside early last week for things like finally finishing the two Overlord chapters I already had the pictures for (this one already half-written) among other thing. Then the power went out for a day – no kidding. I might have had time the next day, but our internet didn’t come back on until partway through the next day when I didn’t have the time and energy anymore. In summary, everything that could go wrong basically did. However, I finally got this chapter finished and hope to get the other one I already have pictures for written very soon while life is staying relatively out of the way.

In the midst of all of this, I got both the Supernatural and Seasons expansion packs and have been spending all my somewhat limited simming time testing them with non-challenge families to make sure that everything is working properly before I load up my challenges again. Things seem pretty stable, which means that I may finally start playing my challenges again in the readily foreseeable future, which would mean more chapters for both the Evil Overlord Legacy and my Alien Castaway ISBI. Here’s hoping that nothing gets in the way of that plan, because I have some really fun ideas for the future plots of both bouncing around in my head.

Until next time, happy simming! Thanks for reading (not to mention your patience)!

Chapter 3.1 – Things are finally falling into place… mostly

Welcome to the dawn of the true reign of Generation 3! Of course, Dark’s been becoming both nicer and eviler lately, if that makes any kind of sense whatsoever. Kinda bipolar or something. Um… Anyway.

Last time was basically the lead-up to Take 2 of Ferby and Ripley’s wedding. Not a whole lot happened of note except for my getting some pictures of the boys playing with their Imaginary Friends. Two of them, at least, since Emperor decided to be boring and just watch TV with his. Although I have to note that I mixed up two of the Imaginary Friends in the last chapter. I misremembered and thought Gnarl is Terrible’s IF and Igor is Emperor’s. It’s actually the other way around, meaning that Terrible was smacking Igor around with a weighted pillow. I’ve edited the last chapter, but figured I should say something here for those who already read it before I edited it.

On with the legacy – it’s time for the wedding!


But first, a picture of De being… De.


“I don’t remember having that light fixture before.”

It’s been there for quite a while now, De. In fact, I’m pretty sure you did the whole “Check Out New Object” with that specific light when I rebuilt the house.



“Uh… I guess I forgot.”

I guess so. Now get that look off your face before the guests arrive. You might scare someone. Not everyone on the guest list is fearless or evil you know.


Dark, you’re planning on being present for the wedding, aren’t you?

“Yeah, just give me a minute.”

And why are you sculpting instead of painting? Only painting and writing count toward your Lifetime Wish.

“I just felt like sculpting, OK? Go bother someone else.”

Is something bothering you, or are you just being your usual lovable self?

“Why don’t you go stalk Ferby for a while and let me work on my frickin’ sculpture a little more before I have to change into my frickin’ formal for the wedding – during which I might add I’ll be surrounded by way too many frickin’ people!”

Well… fine.


Ripley: “Ferby, your formal seems to be the same as your everyday wear.”

Ferby: “LE really likes it. Your formal seems… very… comfortable.”

Ripley: “Indeed, it is.”


Ferby: “I’ve missed you, my love.”

Ripley: “I have acutely felt your absence as well.”

Awwww! I love these two. However, before the wedding officially begins, let’s go see what’s going on with the guests!


It’s Borgio! … Wow, he grew up harmless-looking.

Helspeth and Ida came, but Taylor didn’t. I can’t remember if he just didn’t come or if I didn’t invite him because he didn’t fit on the list once I had all the blood relatives and former household members accounted for. I didn’t even get to invite Lydia, Sunshine, or Jael. It only occurred to me much later that I could have had the boys invite them separately.


Hi, Tucker.

“You must be the infamous LE.”

Yes, I— What do you mean by infamous?

“Nothing. Nevermind. Did you want something?”

Remind me – who are you going out with at the moment?

“Right now? Nobody.”


“I was thinking about asking Livia Halcion out on a date though.”

After you broke up with her and went out with another girl for a while?

“Why not? I’ve broken up and got back together with her more than once already.”

*sigh* And you were the well-adjusted brother until you rolled Commitment Issues.


Speaking of Tucker’s brother…

Dementia: “Hey, Vinny! How’s it going?”

Vincenzio: “My name is Vincenzio, not Vinny. Though to answer your question, aside from you constantly trying to turn my name into a reference to a comedy that LE likes—“

Dementia: “Wait, what was my question again?”

Vincenzio: “You asked me how things are for me. I’m fine.”

Demetia: “That’s great, Vinny! Talk to you later!”

Vincenzio: *sigh*



“De’s a real space-case, isn’t she?”

That’s not very nice.

“I’m evil, remember?”

OK, OK. Yeah, De’s really forgetful.

“I’m going inside. It’s dark out here.”

Still scared of the dark, Lu?

“…None of your frickin’ business.”


Wow, there is a lot going on here. Dark was talking to Minion (who no one else can see or hear) when he realized that Ripley was taking a cell phone photo of him because he’s a celebrity. While she took the picture, Ripley looked over and stared at Ferby and Helspeth. (Ripley probably worried that Helspeth is a bad influence… because Hel probably is.) Borgio was taking a picture of Helspeth because she’s a celebrity while glaring at someone off-camera. Then, to top it all off, Helspeth asked for Ferby’s autograph because he’s a celebrity too. This is pretty much what happens when you get a whole bunch of celebrities at a party.


I was about to take a picture of Tucker dancing, but he stopped just before I paused.

Tucker: “I suddenly have a feeling of foreboding.”


Borgio: “Booga booga!”

Tucker: “Agh! Dad! Why do you do that?!”

Borgio: “Because it’s hilarious!”

Tucker: “This is why Vincenzio doesn’t like you!”

Borgio: “Of course he doesn’t like me – he’s Friendly, of all things.”

Ripley: “I have never tried to dance before. I find it most enjoyable.”

Dementia: “Psht. I could dance better than that.”

No, you couldn’t. … Where’d Ferby go?

Helspeth: “He went to make Romantic Drinks at the bar.”

Come back, Ferby! You have something better to do!


Ferby: “Would you like to get married now, love of my life?”

Ripley: “Oh, Ferby. You are intensely endearing. I would be most agreeable to it.”

Ida: “I am the dancing queen, young and mean, only seventeen!”

…Was it just me, or was there something wrong with the line Ida just sang?


There they are, once again under the wedding arch with those serious-looking normal faces. I love these two. Have I mentioned that before?


I did squeeze Terrill Artis (De’s boyfriend) onto the guest list, because I was hoping to get them officially engaged. It didn’t work out that way, just so you’re not expecting it. I see we have a party crasher on the far left, but she’s a good friend of Ferby’s from work so it’s OK with me. Apparently Hellcat remembered they have a hot tub at some point before the ceremony started.


So… Why are you guys sitting on the bride’s side?

Ida: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Yeah, I suppose you guys wouldn’t have coding for that.

Ida: “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Tucker: *doesn’t care*


Ripley: “Suddenly I find myself extremely excited that I am about to get married!”

Ferby: *thinks* “Couldn’t Hellcat have changed after getting out of the hot tub?”


Dark: “What are you looking at, Terrible?”

Terrible: “I’m just gonna wait and see how long it takes you to start crying like a girl.”

Tucker: “Seriously? Dark cries at weddings?”

Terrible: “He totally does. It’s hilarious.”

Dark: “Bite me.”


Vincenzio: *rushes in* *stops* “Hey, it’s my totally famous cousin Terrible! Awesome!”

*facepalm* You’re all famous. I get it. Why don’t we all try to pay attention to the celebrity wedding instead of the celebrity wedding guests and attendees, OK?

Terrible: “Ha! There he goes!”

Dark: “Shut up, Terrible!”


Well, that didn’t take long.

Dark: “I feel really stupid for crying, but I just can’t help myself!”

Borgio: “It’s OK, Dark. I’m Mean Spirited, and I can’t help myself either!”

Dark: “Thanks, Uncle Borgio. That’s at least some consolation.” *cries some more*


Ripley: “Is Hellcat currently wearing her bathing suit? That seems inappropriate.”

Oh, like you’re one to talk.

Ripley: “I do not know to what you are referring.”

Ferby: “We’re finally getting married!”


OK, the rest of you guests and family better get in here! It’s starting!


Vincenzio: “Is Hellcat in her bathing suit?”

Patrice: “This building is quite aesthetically pleasing. The colors used seem to be unusual for the purpose that this structure is intended for though. … I hope that Vincenzio seats himself, because he is impeding my progress toward my intended destination.”

Terrible: “Man, I’m tired.”

Dementia: “Ugh. Would Soon-to-be-niece move already? She’s in my way.”

Emperor: “I hope this doesn’t take long, I’m ready to go to bed. I can’t even sit down because De’s in my way.”

There are plenty of seats. Just sit down already! And don’t you dare wander off, Terrible!

Dark: “It’s just… so… *sniff* … beautiful somehow. *sniffle* Like a perfect work of art.”


Ripley: “I take you, Ferby Overlord, to be my husband. I vow to support you in your endeavors, to bestow my deepest affections on you, and to also give great affection to any children we may have whether we continue in our current state of wealth and physical wellbeing or are brought to a state of poverty and ill health until we are parted by death or Story Progression.”


I guess everyone who wasn’t already sitting decided to just stay standing for the wedding.

Terrill: “How swee—Hey, is that Borgio Overlord? He’s famous!”

Dark: “All that crying made me tired.”

Terrible: “I’m heading to bed now.”

You get back here, you little cretin!

Emperor: “Sheesh. The least you could do is pretend to pay attention until the en—Wow, it’s our famous cousin Ida! Awesome!”


Borgio: “What’s with kids these days? I though De was the only one with the attention span of a goldfish.”

Patrice: *is determined to pay attention, even though it looks like creepy staring*


Tucker: “I can’t watch! Why would anyone actually want to be trapped in marriage?”

Ida: “I don’t have a problem with it. I’d be perfectly happy to get married some day. I just need to find a guy who’ll do all the housework so that I can sit and watch TV all day. It’d be nice if he doesn’t mind my scaring him a few times a day too.”

Tucker: “Suddenly I feel both relieved to be too closely related to you and justified in having Commitment Issues.”


Ferby: “I take you, Ripley McWhorter, to be my beloved wife. I will be true to and cherish you and any children we may have, and love your daughter as my own. Let nothing come between us in wealth or poverty, in health or flu epidemics, for as long as we both live. Or until Story Progression decides to tear us apart in which case I swear to ask LE to fix it.”


See kids? This is how you’re supposed to behave at a wedding. Well… except for Hellcat’s bathing suit, you shouldn’t do that.

I just noticed, Helspeth isn’t crying this time. I guess she figured Borgio had it covered. At least I can be thankful that she’s not pulling attention-grabbing shenanigans like at Tyranica and Dewey’s wedding. Either motherhood has mellowed her out or she gets enough attention as a Sports Legend to not feel like she should be the center of attention absolutely everywhere she goes. (For those who can’t remember Helspeth’s behavior at her eldest sister’s wedding, it’s in Chapter 2.5. Just scroll down until you see Dewey and Nica at the wedding arch.)


I (finally) pronounce you man and wife. Ferby, you may kiss the bride.


*sniff* I’m tearing up a bit here. *sniffle* I’m so happy for them! *sniff* I hope they have beautiful (blue) babies.


I present to you Ferby and Ripley Overlord!

Ferby: “How do you feel about skipping the rest of the party and going home, Ripley?”

Ripley: “I cannot imagine a more preferable course of action.”


Patrice: “It is exceedingly beautiful! I am immensely pleased that Ferby is now officially my step-father.”


Ferby and Ripley: *whoosh!*

Patrice: “Spanners, Mother and Father are in a great hurry to return home.”


Patrice: “I choose not to contemplate the possible reasons. I believe that I love weddings!”

Borgio: *still bawling*

I think it’s sweet how Patrice actually calls Ferby her father. Of course, he’s been almost like a father to her already, ever since her toddler birthday.


Patrice isn’t the only one who seems thrilled by the marriage. See Tucker? See your Aunt Helspeth over there? She’s got Commitment Issues too and she’s still happy for them.

Happily for me, no one glitched and forced me to resetSim them this time. Plus the party was “verging on epic,” which is The Sims 3 equivalent of a Roofraiser! And it saved!


“Wait… who’s that girl again? She definitely looks familiar…”

De, that’s your new niece, Patrice.

“She’s way too old to be that new.”

No, I mean she’s Ripley’s daughter and, therefore, Ferby’s step-daughter. That makes her your niece because even Ferby may have hard feelings if she isn’t completely accepted as part of the family.

“OK, that must be why she looks kinda familiar. The name Patrice doesn’t ring a bell though. I’ve met her before?”

Yes, and she keeps reminding you what her name is too.

“Uh… If you say so.”


Ayesha! Are you happy about your grandson’s wedding?

“Absolutely thrilled. I love weddings – especially family weddings!”

What do you think of Ripley?

“I like her. Patrice too.”

I’m glad they have your approval.


The next morning…

“Mmm, leftover Ferby pancakes. Delicious.”

It’s not going to be long before you guys will have to cook your own food, is it?

“Nope, which is why I’m determined to enjoy these now.”


The next couple of days leading up to the triplets’ birthday were fairly uneventful. Mostly De and the boys just worked on their Lifetime Wishes/possible Lifetime Wishes and started eating a lot of Quick Meals when the leftovers ran out.

Dark mostly painted.


Terrible mostly played various instruments, though he’s currently focusing on the guitar a lot. As you can see, De sometimes decided to jam with him when she didn’t have any Stylist work to do.


Emperor mostly worked out a lot. He did some inventing too, but I didn’t get a picture of it for some reason.


Gnarl: “Hey, Emperor, what’s up?”

Emperor: “Not now, Gnarl. We’ll hang out after I finish my set, OK?”

Gnarl: “Sure thing!”


This was a mistake shot  of De watching TV in which you can see I forgot and left the walls down. However, I decided to keep it in as a mini-preview of the eventual house tour that I’ll take pictures for once I get permanent wallpaper up. As you can see, there are two full bathrooms on the main floor. The Stylist room is next to the dining room and directly opposite of the den.


OK, here’s De watching the TV. I probably let her do this more than I should, but it just makes her so happy. Couch Potatoes love the TV, especially if they get to sit on something comfy while watching it.


I know that the guy on the TV is just part of a continuously looping program, but every time I look at this picture I imagine he’s saying, “Oh, my goodness! It’s Dementia Overlord – she’s famous!”

In other news, Ida actually went steady with the guy she started flirting with at the end of the last chapter! Perhaps the wedding got her thinking? Regardless of the reason behind it, her new boyfriend’s name is Rigoberto Haynes.

It also turns out that at some point I missed that Vincenzio broke up with his girlfriend. I discovered it when I got a popup saying that he was starting to see another girl named Vanessa Devaney. Tucker went steady (again), though I didn’t bother to write down with who. (I think at this point I’ll only care if he actually gets engaged or gets someone pregnant when he’s an adult.) Then Vincenzio went steady with Vanessa.


What are you doing out here, Terrible?

“I was going to look at Grandpa’s portrait.”

And you stopped because…?


“I’m going to grow up now!”

Ah, I see. Well, as silly as growing up in the beginnings of what’ll eventually be the family catacombs is, at least you’re somewhere well-lit.


“I’m gonna be filthy rich!”

You’re already filthy rich.

“Only in property value, and you know it.”

Fair enough.


“Wait – what going to happen to my awesome look?!”

Don’t worry. Whatever happens, De can fix it.

“That’s a relief. The sparkles are going to hurt, aren’t they?”

Judging from the previous generation, I wouldn’t be surprised.


“Eh, it was nothing I couldn’t handle.”

And he rolls Perfectionist! He’s now an Evil, Grumpy, Daredevil, Virtuoso Perfectionist who wants to be a One Sim Band (master all four instrument skills).

“…Why doesn’t my hair have mousse in it anymore?”


“Yes! I’ll finally be free of the crowds at school! And my Lifetime Wish doesn’t require me to work in a rabbithole!”

Ah, my little Loner.


“Oh, wow, these sparkles do burn!”


“Can’t see – blinded by sparkles!”


“What am I wearing? The paparazzi better not take pictures!”


“Wait a minute… Why is there suddenly mousse in my hair?”


“Fix it. Fix it now.”

Hold on a minute, Dark. Emperor still needs to grow up before De can do your makeovers.

He rolled Kleptomaniac. He’s now an Evil, Artistic, Athletic, Kleptomaniac Loner. He had the Illustrative Author Lifetime Wish locked in when he was a child, for those who forgot.


OK, OK, I’m going to watch Emperor age now.


“Whoo, it’s my birthday too!”

That would be a logical conclusion, considering the fact that you’re triplets.


“I’ll finally be able to propose to Sunshine!”

No, you’ll have to wait at least four days. All three of the girls have that long until their respective birthdays.



Oh, don’t worry about it. You can work on your Lifetime Wish while you wait since you can’t move out until you achieve it. I’d worry more about the likelihood of growing up in something ridiculous-looking.

“Oh, crap!”


“Agh! The sparkles!”

Don’tRollCommitmentIssuses, don’tRollCommitmentIssues, don’tRollCommitmentIssues…


“Ha! I grew up in a shirt that’s my favorite color!”

In your exercise clothes. You’re not going to be happy when you see your everyday wear.

“Um… What happened to my hair?”


Well… He didn’t roll Commitment Issues. He’s now an Evil, Eccentric, Athletic, and Rebellious sim who Dislikes Children. Dislikes Children. Well that’s just tough, because he’s having at least one kid anyway. He wants to be a Superstar Athlete. Of course, I realize just now that I’m writing this that I messed up and forgot that Helspeth already got me the point for that Lifetime Wish. According to the rules, I can’t change his Lifetime Wish now either. Grrr.

I considered having him be a Monster Maker (create three monsters), but I’m not bloating my filesize by letting him go on enough vacations to get what he needs to make mummies and there’s absolutely no way to predict how long it could take for him to be able to make three simbots. I’ve had sims master Inventing while Young Adults and not get the beginning of the opportunity chain to make their first simbot until they were nearly Elders. If I ever do that Lifetime Wish in this legacy, it’ll be someone who’s going to stay in the main household for his or her entire life. Therefore, Superstar Athlete it is… even though I won’t get a point for it. Emperor eventually being able to have his own life is more important to me than a legacy point. Although if he can’t get me a point I don’t really have an excuse to keep him in the house…


Dark: “If I ever find out who’s responsible for this travesty of an outfit, they will pay.”

Dementia: “I’m going to have so much fun styling my brothers!”


Dark: “Do something, De. I barely even look like me!”

Dementia: “Yeah, that look is definitely not you.”


Dementia: “There you go! Much better!”

Dark: “… I don’t like it.”


Dementia: “But… why?”

Dark: “I just don’t.”

Dementia: “Psht. Whatever. You’re the heir and LE got new clothes for us. Deal with it. If you’re really cooperative, maybe LE’ll let you put more of your favorite color in it later.”


*smirk* See? I wasn’t kidding when I said he wouldn’t like his everyday wear. It’s the blue version of the Egyptian robe outfit.

Emperor: “De…”

Dementia: “Don’t worry, little brother. I’ve got it covered.”


Something distracted me from taking a picture when the makeover was finished, but I took this while Terrible was on his way to the Stylist station.

“This is much better.”

I thought you’d like it, Emperor. (He gave an enthusiastic cheer for it!) And the outfit even comes complete with tight leather pants for any Emperor fangirls who may exist out there. Now he just needs to keep working on building muscle, because that outfit is really imposing on a sim with maxed strength.


Terrible: “My hair’s gone limp, and my awesome leather jacket was replaced by a t-shirt.”

Dementia: “Hmmm. I’m thinking we should use your awesome teen outfit as a starting point, then make it even more awesome.”

Terrible: “How are you going to do that?”


Dementia: “This way!”

Terrible: “I love it! This is definitely how an evil virtuoso should dress.”

Dementia: “That’s what I thought!”

I just realized that I didn’t get the walls up for this shot. Oh well.

This is where we’ll stop for now. I’ve played at least two chapters-worth beyond here at the time I’m writing this (which means that Emperor is already at level 3 of his totally useless LTW career), and I hope to have another chapter up soon. I’d like to catch up to my gameplay because that’ll make it so much easier to remember who should and shouldn’t be on the family lists yet.

I’m not sure what to do about Emperor now though. I had all these great plans for keeping the three boys around together for a while along with their wives. (Since I have Twallan’s mods now they can each have a kid while living together even though that’ll make more than eight sims.) I have no excuse to put myself through that if Emperor can’t give me a legacy point. Grrr! I kind of want to change his LTW to Master Thief because that requires the same skills, but that’s technically against the rules. Although I did say from the very beginning that I’m more concerned with the story than the rules and I think he’d like the Thief branch of the Criminal career better because he’s evil. That was my original idea for a non-Monster Maker LTW for him, but I completely spaced out when he grew up… I don’t know. I guess I’ll just have to think about it.

Come back next time to see how the boys fair as adults, as well as my continuing efforts to get De to the top of her career so that she can marry Terrill and move out. Feel free to give me your opinions on the Emperor conundrum. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.0 – Preparations

Welcome back! Let’s dive right in, since last time my plans for a beautiful wedding for Ferby and Ripley were ruined by tardy guests, inattentive little brothers, and the dreaded Code 12. Fortunately, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve yet to see Code 12 since getting my new computer. Even though the nature of most Sims challenges make smooth sailing unlikely most of the time, at least I can generally count on my hard work actually saving when I want it to. Anyway, I’ve wasted enough time. On with the legacy!

Sadly, I ended up waiting until the next day to redo the wedding. This was because it had been at least two months since I’d played them and it took me until it was too late to have the wedding on the original day to re-familiarize myself with everything that was going on in town. Thus the title of this chapter comes from the fact that it covers everything leading up to the redo of the wedding.


Emperor, what do you think you’re doing?


It’s almost time for you to go to bed. Why didn’t you do your homework earlier?

“Because I didn’t.”


You just decided that this was the perfect time because you broke the dishwasher, didn’t you? Admit it!

“I don’t have to admit to anything that I don’t want to. Plus, you have to let me do my homework now because I won’t be able to get enough sleep if I fix the dishwasher first.”

But you don’t even have school tomorrow. You have all weekend to do your homework!

“Look, Dark and Terrible already did theirs. I’m not going to be the only one doing homework on my Saturday afternoon.”

You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you? You know you’re the only one with enough Handiness points to fix it safely!

“Going to do my homework now.”

Grrrr! (I… I just can’t make him do the dishwasher instead. I’d feel hypocritical since I’m always telling people how important their schoolwork is. Well, I say that unless they’re the sorts that work so hard they’re in danger of burning out. Then I tell them how important taking a break is. You’d think either group would listen to me more, considering the fact that I’ve yet to be wrong when giving that sort of advice.)


Dementia: “Ferby, LE just went and spent all of our money! All of it! We don’t even have two-hundred simoleans left! What are we going to do?!”


Ferby: “Dementia, give me one good reason to care right now. I’m getting married tomorrow, which means I’m moving out. You just finished mocking my ambition and saying I was boring for trying to make peace with you! I don’t care if you’re out of money!”


Dementia: “But… you’re the nice one, Ferby. You… you always care. Don’t you?”


Ferby: “I’m very upset with you, so… No, I don’t always care. Like right now. This is me, not caring. At all.”

I think you two need to get away from each other for a little bit. Ferby, go outside, there’s something I want to show you. De, go watch TV, that always makes you feel better.


“Decorative tables? You spent all our money on decorative tables?”

No, De. I spent over $40,000. Tables don’t cost that much.


“LE, I’m depressed.”

I know, Ferby.

“I don’t know why I started that whole thing with De – I was just so frustrated by my wedding not having happened.”

You’ll feel better after you see what I spent all the money on.

“Are you sure? I noticed it wasn’t on finally finishing the house.”

I found something better to spend money on. Trust me!


“This building wasn’t here before.”

Nope! Go inside. *eager anticipation*


“Is this…?”


“Oh, my plumbob, it is. It’s a wedding chapel. In the family colors.”

Do you like it?

“You did all this for me?”

Technically I plan on using this place for every wedding party for the rest of the legacy (hence the colors) , but I did indeed build it now just for you. If your wedding has to be done all over again, it’s going to be something special.

“…I love it, LE. I just… don’t know what to say.”


“It’s even got non-evil-looking flowers and bells.”

That’s not all!


Upstairs is a buffet table, and end table for a proper wedding cake, and two tables for guests to sit at.


Plus a dance floor with a really nice stereo!


There’s more seats than we’ll ever need!


And gothic windows perfectly framed by the wedding arch!

Now don’t you think you should try again to make up with your sister? This is one of the rare situations in which I’m not confident her bad memory will save you.

Ferby: “Yeah, I should. I’ll go do that right now.”


Dementia: “Did LE seriously spend almost every penny of our money on a wedding chapel with a built-in reception area before putting real wallpaper in our actual house?”

Ferby: “… Yes. Yes, she did.”

Dementia: “… And a few decorative tables in the den.”

Ferby: “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”


Ferby: “De, before you decide whether or not complaining at LE is worth the effort, I feel that I should apologize.”


Dementia: “Is that so?”


Ferby: “Yes. I realize that the whole reason we fought is because I got mad at you for being Mean Spirited. It’s not like you chose the trait – its just the way you are. I shouldn’t have given you a hard time about it just because I was upset that my wedding didn’t save.


Dementia: “OK, Ferby, I’ll forgive you this time. It really was a big bummer about your wedding, after all.”


Ferby: “Thanks, De. I really do love you, in spite of our incompatible traits.”

Dementia: “Yeah, I love you too, even though I really don’t understand you.”


Not only do they feel better, but I feel better too! I was going to be seriously upset if I couldn’t get them to make up and be friends again before Ferby moves out.

At about this time I got a popup saying that Lucrezia was the new Kingpin, which caused her to divorce Borgio simply because he follows the Vigilante. Oh no, we are not having that. Not when they’re both 96 and their lifebars were officially full at 90.


The next morning, Terrible did some gardening before school because he randomly rolled up the wish to learn the Gardening skill out of nowhere. Far be it from me to discourage my sims from expanding their skillsets.

While he did that, I investigated the whole Kingpin thing. I determined that Lucrezia’s assignment to the role was well and truly random because there were (no kidding) five other sims with the same score for the role who weren’t clan leaders (three of whom were Overlords). Therefore, I forcefully reassigned the role to one of them (chosen almost at random) and used Master Controller to remarry Lu and Borgio. Conveniently, they were still living in the same house which meant that my work was done. I’m not letting a completely random Personality assignment break them up when they could die of old age literally any day now.


Inside, completely oblivious to the distant family drama, Ferby finishes off some pancakes by Kicking It Up a Notch. (That’s something Natural Cooks like Ferby can do. It automatically makes the food even better.)


“Perfecto! Not even a broken dishwasher can ruin this culinary delight!”

He’s so cute when he’s cooking.


“LE, you’re actually providing photographic proof that I love to cook instead of just telling everyone that I do!”

Yes, amazing isn’t it? If I ever make a simself I might have to give her the Absent-Minded trait, as much as I’d rather not.

“You’re great, LE.”

Seriously? I… I am? *sniff* I’m touched! You’re wonderful, Ferby. I’m going to miss you so much when you’re married and gone. You’ll be *gasp* all the way next door!

“Come visit any time!”

I might have to take you up on that. Nobody else respects me around here.


It’s time, Ferby. Make the call!

“You don’t need to tell me twice!”

I bet not. (What is that down by his hip? Oh, it must be Emperor. I finally got him to fix the dishwasher. I’m certainly not having them pay someone to do it when he’s got plenty of Handiness points already.)


“It’s me again. I’m really getting married this time. Invite everyone on the list – and I mean everyone. No arguments. The party starts after the professional athletes get off of work. … Thanks! You’re the best assistant ever!”


Dark: “Is there any particular reason you’re staring at me?”

Not really. It’s just nice seeing you relatively at peace with the world.

Dark: “I’m not surrounded by people. That puts me in a good mood.”

I know. … What’s your problem, Emperor?

Emperor: “You made me fix the dishwasher before breakfast!”

Yeah, well you weren’t that hungry when you got up and I wanted it fixed before Dark finished his own breakfast.

Emperor: “What is this – favoritism?!”

No, it really isn’t. If Dark was the one with the Handiness points, he would have been the one fixing the dishwasher before you finished your breakfast. Besides, you were the one who broke it and you were the one who decided that doing your homework right away when you have all weekend was more important.

Dark: “I’m going to miss Ferby’s cooking.”




Is it just me, Dark, or are you starting to do this a whole lot more often since going steady with Lydia?


It must be Lydia. I knew hooking them up was a fantastic idea!


I decided that it was high time I let the Imaginary Friends out of the boys’ inventories so that their relationships could be built back up to Best Friends status. I’m hoping to turn them real shortly after the triplets age up.

Dark: “Want to play catch, Minion?”

Minion: “Sure!”

Catch, huh? Didn’t see that one coming. You’ll notice that in spite of the dishwasher being in working order now, neither Dark nor Emperor chose to put their dirty dishes into it. *sigh* I can’t win, can I?



“Yeah, so?”

It just seems to be out of character for you to autonomously suggest a two-person activity.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

… I get no respect.


Uh oh. That doesn’t look good.



Minion: “Ow! Dark!”


“I… don’t think I meant to do that.”


“What can I say? I’m evil. I literally can’t help myself.”


For the next few tosses he actually manages to toss it nicely to Minion. While looking incredibly awkward. You’d think he’d never played catch before. Oh… wait… He might not have, come to think of it.


However, just as I was beginning to think that the rest of the game would be completely uneventful, the evil trait took over once again.


Wow, look at that face as he’s in mid-throw.



Minion: “Ouch! Dark, again?!”


Dark: “Woah, uh… Sorry about that, Minion. Evil trait.”

Minion: “That’s OK. I understand.”

This went on for a while. I could tell that Dark really didn’t intend to hurt Minion, because he only did the evil throw every once in a while instead of every single time like I’ve seen other evil sims do.


I decided to see what Terrible was doing with Gnarl, his IF. Pillow fighting, apparently.

3… 2… 1…



Igor: “Terrible, that hurt!”

Terrible: “Ha ha! I totally knocked you for a loop, didn’t I?”

Igor: “Remind me again why I should like you?”

Obviously Terrible’s Grumpy trait makes him more inclined to be completely OK with smacking his friends around.

Terrible: “Seriously, Igor, can’t you see how hilarious it was?!”

Igor: “No. No, I can’t.”

I’d show you what Emperor and Gnarl were doing, but they were being completely boring and watching TV together for some reason. I didn’t bother taking pictures.


Dementia got a job making over Patrice! Yay!


Dementia: “Hey, soon-to-be niece-in-law!”

Patrice: “I am unsure of that being a term that genuinely exists in the English language.”

Dementia: “Whatever. Has anyone ever told you and your mom that you could stand to use a contraction every once in a while?”

Patrice: “I hear it nearly every day that I am in school. I remain disinclined to change my speech patterns in order to conform to the lower standards of society.”

Dementia: “I can understand that. It sounds like a lot of work.”

Patrice: “…”


Dementia: “OK, future neice, let’s see what we can do.”

Patrice: “My name is Patrice, future Aunt Dementia.”


Dementia: “Isn’t that what I said?”

Patrice: “No, it is not.”


Dementia: “Eh, whatever. Remembering names is hard. How about that makeover?”

Patrice: “Yes, that would be most agreeable.”


Dementia: “What do you think?”

Patrice: “I do not know. I wished for a new hair color.”


Dementia: “Ah, come on! You’re clothes look good on you, you’re now color-coordinated, and I put purple streaks in your hair! You’re cute! What more do you want from me?!”


Patrice: “I had expected better.”

Dementia: “Whatever. I did a fantastic job, you’re just picky.”


Hey, look who’s visiting – it’s Tucker! … He better not be trying to put the moves on Patrice. She’s too good for Mr. Commitment Issues. (Plus he’s dated just about every unattached girl in High School except for her. She needs someone who’s looking for more than just the next fling.) I love Tucker, but… come on.

Wow, Ripley takes her video games really seriously. Look at that face!

Ripley: “Die, minions of the Malevolence, die!”

…OK then. Ripley 2 is officially a little scary. If any minions of the Malevolence actually showed up I’d almost feel sorry for them.

Tucker: *is wisely keeping his opinions to himself*


After De went home…

“When did I get purple streaks in my hair? I can’t seem to remember…”

Ah, Absent-Minded sims.

As a side note, Hellcat had a baby boy named Brady! Then I got a popup saying that Ida is actually flirting with someone! I had honestly thought this day would never come. She’s nearing young adulthood and never once flirted with anyone before this. She doesn’t have a personality that’s particularly well-suited for a stable relationship though, so we’ll see how that goes.

And here is where we shall leave them for now. Next time: the wedding! Oh, and the official beginning of the true reign of Generation 3!

Will the wedding go off without a hitch, or will something else be thrown in the way? Will Ida’s budding relationship work out? How about the other cousins? What will the triplets roll for their final traits? Find out next time! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.-1 – A wedding to cry for

Welcome back at long last! I’ve been wanting to get this chapter written for what seems like forever! What took so long? “Life… Don’t talk to me about life…” That about sums it up. At any rate, let’s get this party started, shall we? Last time Ferby succeeded in getting engaged to Ripley, Terrible and Dark went steady with Jael and Lydia (respectively), and both the new girlfriends got makeovers. Lydia said she didn’t like hers, probably just because she’s evil.


Dewey decided to haunt again! I wonder whether or not he ever figured out where his mother-in-law got that fox figurine. Everyone neglected to tell him it was because she became a Master Thief.


Tyranica came out to haunt too! It’s great to see them showing up together, since it’s actually pretty rare for the ghosts of sims who were married in life to haunt at the same time. I’m not sure why, really. Maybe it’s just my game.


The next morning Dementia had a job putting together a new outfit for Helspeth. For some odd reason I don’t have a picture of the result, which honestly confuses me.


While she was there, I had De make over her youngest niece. I thought Rose was so cute in this picture that I decided to keep it in spite of the fact I left the walls down. Definitely an Overlord, that one. Is it just me, or does De look like she’s confused because she can’t remember actually picking Rose up? It would be kind of amazing for her to forget, considering the fact that it required effort on her part. But, then again, this is De we’re talking about.


Later that day…

Feel like throwing a party, Ferby?

“Is it a wedding party?”

That’s the idea.

“I can really get married now?”




“Call everyone on my list of family contacts – I’m finally getting married!”

(Being a Power Broker must mean that he has people to make calls for him. Handy.)

“Yes, of course I’m including Taylor, Helspeth, and Ida – why wouldn’t I? … Evil vampires? I know they’re vampires, but don’t you think calling them evil is a little harsh? … I don’t follow. … Look, Helspeth Overlord is my aunt, Taylor is her husband which makes him my uncle, and Ida is my cousin. Do you really think I’m going to not invite them to my wedding just because of some vicious and unproven rumors of vampire cults and grand larceny? … That’s what I thought. … No, I’m going to call Ripley and Patrice personally. I just need you to invite everyone else so that I have time to get things ready. The party starts at seven. … Because it’s after sunset. … Didn’t we just discuss the fact that my aunt and her family are vampires?”

(Sounds like his assistant at work pays attention to the stories floating around town. Additionally, I see that Ferby did not actually realize that he’s completely surrounded by evil sims. Apparently he only realized that some of them are evil. It’s probably best that way.)


“Bwah ha ha ha hah!”

OK, Dark, what’s the occasion?

“Evil laughter needs no special occasion!”

… You’ve been talking to Emperor, haven’t you?


Not too long after sunset, Ripley and Patrice arrived. Um… I’m guessing they mutually decided that their exercise outfits were their formalwear today.


Soon after, the other guests began to arrive. For someone with Commitment Issues, Helspeth sure is excited about her nephew’s wedding. She was the first regular guest to arrive for the party.


Oh, wow, is that…? *goes to check* It is! That’s Leila Manley, Dewey’s sister! Those who don’t remember the last time she briefly appeared probably have no idea what’s so shocking. Those who do remember may recall that the last time we saw her she was much heavier. Leila went and lost something like 80-100 pounds! I honestly didn’t know until she arrived at the wedding.


This was an awkwardly timed picture. Ripley and Ferby about about to Hold Hands, while Dementia forgot what she was doing immediately after finishing a conversation. I decided to keep it because… Just look at all those odd expressions – I love it!


Terrible helped out with the party score by performing for the guests. When the king of evil grumps decides to boost the success of his brother’s wedding party, you know he loves his family. It probably helps that he really loves music too.


Ferby: “Ripley, the guests are happy but haven’t had enough time for their needs to get low. Do you think now would be a good time to start the ceremony?”


Ripley: “That is excellent thinking, Ferby. I believe that this is the perfect time as well.”


*counts guests* I’m pretty sure someone’s missing… Where are De and Ida? For that matter, who in the world is that girl behind Leila Manley? I think it’s a friend of the triplets from school. That might be Lucinda, who Tucker might be dating now. If so, then she came instead of Tucker when he was invited and she wasn’t. Go figure. And wasn’t Lucrezia around here somewhere?

I know for sure who that guy next to Patrice is – he’s Dewey’s little brother who’s just barely young enough not to be an elder yet. I think his name is Terrill, like Dementia’s boyfriend. The guy whose shoulder is barely visible behind Helspeth is the Manley boy who’s already an elder. His name is Jamal. Sorry, but it turns out you’re not going to get a good picture of him. Somehow I didn’t get one.


I’m not too shocked that Terrible and Emperor had trouble sitting patiently. What does surprise me is that Dark is apparently the sort who cries at weddings. I suppose he is a sensitive type though, even if he is a bit… well… dark.


I finally found Dementia and Ida just as they were finally rushing to the wedding. De must really love her brother (in spite of what she might say in a bout of Mean Spiritedness), because she’s really hurrying. It’s unusual to see her so… active.


For a second I wondered why they’re staring at each other with such serious expressions. Then I realized… those are their normal faces.

Oh, wow. I think Helspeth is crying back there behind Patrice too. Why is it that it’s the insane and evil ones who are crying and all of the sims you’d normally expect to cry are just sitting there with “isn’t this just so sweet” expressions on their faces? Maybe it has to do with relationship scores? It is true the Ferby and Ripley have the highest relationships with the insane and evil sims present.


Dark: “I can’t take this. If I cry any more, the paparazzi might get a picture of it. And there are too many people here.”

Terrible: “Man, I’m tired.”

Emperor: “Terrible, any clue why we both stood up before the ceremony started?”

Terrible: “Nope.”

Guys, will you shut up so that I can enjoy the wedding?


Terrible: “Are they done yet?”

Emperor: “Patrice cries louder than Dark! That makes me want to laugh. Bwahahahah!”

Dark: “I think De forgot to garden today.”

Guys? Hello? This is supposed to be touching and beautiful. Stop being the peanut gallery!


Terrible: “I should get paid for this.”

Emperor and Dark: “De actually made it!”



All right, that’s it! Once you start making horrible faces while thinking about your cousin who is actually paying attention to the ceremony (at this point), I have to draw the line!


There! We’re just going to pretend Ferby and Ripley are the only ones here for a couple of pictures. … Awwww!


I’m so happy for them!


I see all you troublemakers there. I’ve got my eyes on you. *glares*


See, this is how you’re supposed to behave at a wedding, boys. Take note. Even Helspeth is completely in the spirit of the thing! Seriously!


Terrible is… well… terrible. However, De and Ida both seemed touched by the wedding, even though they did run in late at the end. De looks really happy she made it in time for the kiss, doesn’t she?


Ripley: “Is something the matter, Ferby?”

Ferby: “I’m just a little disoriented. LE moved me into your household at the end of the ceremony, which is a strange feeling.”

Ripley: “Ah, that it logical.”


Ferby: “What is it, Ripley? You suddenly look worried.”

Ripley: “I am… unsure. A sudden sense of foreboding has come over me.”

Ferby: “That… doesn’t sound good.”


Lu! You made it!

“Of course I did.”

But you didn’t make it to the ceremony.


Um… Why don’t you go see Dementia? Those really aren’t your colors.


Ida, I ignore you for ten seconds and I find you beating up the only one of the paparazzi who’s never annoyed me? Poor Kermit – on his last leg and he’s getting beating up by the Town Harpy. I understand wanting to beat the paparazzi up, Ida, but could you at least wait to do it until you’re not at a wedding party?

Sheesh. You’d think there’d never been a wedding party in the family before.


Meanwhile, De gave Lucrezia that makeover I suggested.


She loved it, especially since her favorite color is Orange.


Oh, wow. I’m… kind of scared to theorize about what Lu’s thinking right now.


Shortly after everyone else left, I realized that Patrice was stuck in endless applaud.


And Helspeth was stuck endlessly throwing rice. I had to use resetSim on both of them.

Then I tried to save and… Code 12. Code flippin’ 12! The wedding never happened! Agh! I went through all the trouble of throwing a proper wedding party for Ferby and Ripley just because I love them so much, and it never happened! Ripley was right – something bad was looming on the horizon and this was it!

Excuse me a moment. … *distant sounds of screaming* *distant sounds of randomized destruction* *more distant sounds of screaming* … OK, I’m back.

At this point, I officially put the legacy on hold until I got my new computer. When I did get it I used a few test towns to made sure everything was working properly before loading the legacy again. Eventually I decided that it was safe enough and got back into the game at the point just before Ferby scheduled the wedding.


The first thing Ferby did after I finally got back to them was… this.

Ferby: “De, you’re Mean Spirited?!”

Dementia: “Yeah, so?”


Ferby: “So that’s awful! How can you like being mean to people?! That’s almost as bad as being evil!”

Dementia: “Ferby, you’re my brother so I’m going to be nice enough not to tell you what I think of that statement.”


Ferby: *is deeply disappointed in De*


Dementia: *is trying to decide whether or not getting mad is too much work* *decides that it isn’t and gets mad*


Dementia: “Blah, blah, blah! I’m Ferby and I’m Ambitious! That’s stupid because I’m clearly not smart enough to achieve anything!”


Ferby: “De, don’t you dare pull that on me!”

Dementia: “Eh, bite me.”


Ferby: “You are so—! You’re just—!” *general sounds of incoherent frustration*

Dementia: *is trying to remember why Ferby’s mad at her*


Ferby: *glare*

Dementia: *can’t remember why, but is sure she’s mad at him too*


A few minutes later, Ferby tried to Brighten De’s Day, probably as a peace offering.


You can see for yourself how De reacted.


Ferby was a bit broken up about it.

Don’t worry, Ferby. I’ll make all of this up to you – I promise.

This, unfortunately, is where I must end this chapter. Will Ferby manage to get married without any more difficulty thanks to my significantly better computer? How will I make all this up to him beyond just doing the wedding again? Will Ferby and De make up before he moves out? Find out next time! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.-2 – Awwww!

Bwahahahahahahah! … I mean… Welcome! Last time… Oh, just go read the last chapter. All right, I’ll say this – Ripley turned down Ferby’s marriage proposal! Aagh! *throws hands up in frustration* I think this may have been one of the extremely few times I was glad that I got Code 12 because it meant that I could try again without Ferby going around with a negative moodlet. We’re also going to see how my efforts to get all of the boys romantically attached went this time. Enjoy!


Evil! *waves enthusiastically*

“Hi, LE!”

(He’s much nicer to me now that he’s a ghost and living the the Legacy Afterlife. I guess spending every day of eternity in a massive luxury resort with your beloved wife really sooths ill feelings.)



“Hi, LE!”

(He always looks this happy as a ghost. It’s hilarious.)


And the first object Dewey decided to haunt was the treadmill. That’s funny, considering the fact that he was using the treadmill just before he died.

I just got a popup saying that Tucker (one of the Gen. 3 cousins for those who forgot) is dating Livia (not to be confused with Lydia)… again.


OK, let’s try this again.


“Ripley, will you— Oh, shoot!”

Awww! He almost dropped the ring box… again.


“Will you marry me?”


Ripley: “There are no words to express the fulfillment I would gain from such an arrangement, Ferby!”

Ferby: “All right, let’s see if I can extract the ring from its box…”


Ripley: “It is beautiful, Ferby.”

Ferby: “Not nearly as beautiful as you are, my love.”

Ripley: “Oh, Ferby! Your endearing comments cause my cardiovascular system to quicken its pace!”


This is the face of a man who is very relieved.


And this is the face of a woman blissfully unaware of the distress she caused.

I’m very happy for them though. I’m absolutely certain that she only refused his proposal the first time around because of her Insane trait, because there really wasn’t any other reason. I checked.

Now I’m informed that Tucker has gone steady with Livia.


Emperor: “Hi, Sunshine!”

Terrible: “Hey, Jael.”

Emperor and Terrible: “Wanna come over?”

Dark, are you going to call Lydia or not?

Dark: “I’m calling her, OK? You’re really annoying, you know that?”

That’s all right, I annoy all of my evil sims at some point. It’s probably because I’d have the Good trait if I were a sim.

Dark: “Yet you decided to do a legacy challenge with Evil as a family trait.”

Yup. That should give you some insight into my sense of humor.



What are you laughing about this time?

“No reason – I just really wanted to.”

I can understand that.


Aw, poor boys. I’d offer to give them hugs, but they’d probably tell me to shut up and go away. They tend to be grateful like that.

Tonight Emperor gets time with Sunshine that’s almost identical to the last time I played tonight. In fact it was so much the same that I didn’t bother to take pictures. You can see the last chapter for pretty much how it went. As for the other two, Terrible told Dark to follow his lead since Dark hasn’t the faintest idea what he’s doing.

It’s time for… *drumroll* Synchronized Dating!


The mandatory “What’s your sign?” question.


Then flirting.


Terrible: *thinks* “I’d never publicly admit it, but I’m happy for them. Dark’s doing good so far… Heh, let’s see how he handles this one!”


Terrible: *thinks* “I could get used to this.”

Dark: *thinks* “I feel strange. Is this what happy feels like?”


Terrible and Jael: *thinking* “Wow, Dark manages to look miserable even when he couldn’t be happier. That takes a special kind of talent.”

Terrible: *still thinking* “Good job, Dark.” *can tell Dark’s mood is actually as high as possible in spite of the huge negative moodlet from the deaths of their parents*


Lydia: “Come on, Dark, you can do it. Smile!”

Dark: “Like this?”

Lydia: “Not quite, Dark. You look more like you’re going to run away than like you’re happy.”


Lydia: “There you are – much better! Wow, Dark, you are really cute with that soft expression on your face!”

Dark: *is overcome by the alien nature of soft, fuzzy feelings*


Dark: “Um, Lydia?”

Lydia: “Yes?”


Dark: “This is getting… a bit awkward.”

Lydia: *frowns* “What do you mean, awkward?”

Dark: “I mean, could we go into the next room and not have my brother and Jael standing right next to us?”


Lydia: “Oh, that’s what you meant! You’re absolutely right, Dark. Let’s go!”

Dark: *is relieved*


Lydia: “Have fun, guys!”

Terrible and Jael: *are oblivious*


And just as Lydia goes to leave the room…




Jael: “Does this mean you love me, Terrible?”

Terrible: “…Maybe. … Probably.”


What in the—?!

Jael: “Now I know your heart’s in there somewhere…”

Terrible: “My heart’s much smaller than that. You’re going to have to look a lot harder.”

Jael: “Is it here? I think I feel something.”

Terrible: “Close.”

Jael: “I found it! Wow, that is small!”

Terrible: “Told ya.”

Uh… Er… I suppose that’s one way to determine a man’s true affections…

I think Jael’s been playing too much Dragon Age II. Though I can definitely see her going more for the angsty, bitter elf who can phase his hand through people’s chests and literally crush their hearts than the angsty, self-tortured mage who… Nevermind, no spoilers, just in case. You know, there’s a lot of male angst in that game, now that I come to think of it.


Terrible: “In light of the fact that I just let you shove your hand into my chest…”


Terrible: “Be my girlfriend?”

Jael: *cute, silent nod*




I’m trying to just be happy for them, but… Somehow I just keep thinking about the sorts of wishes he’d be rolling up right now if they were possible for teens. Terrible just strikes me that way most of the time.


Meanwhile, in the next room…


Wow, that was the fastest first kiss ever! I’m serious – it happened so quickly that I didn’t manage to pause in time to take a picture of it actually happening! It was still adorable though, I promise.


Dark: “Lydia… Uh…”

Lydia: “Dark, it’s OK. You can say it.”


Dark: “Well, I would— I mean, would you— Uh, that is—“

Lydia: “Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend, Dark.”


Awwww! Dark’s found true love with someone who really understands him! … I’m getting all misty-eyed here.


For some reason I find this much more acceptable with Dark. Probably because he’s had to work his way up to being capable of this, rather than rolling up the wish to make out after just a couple of mild romantic interactions. (That’s what Terrible did.)

I honestly wonder how long it’ll take Dark to roll up the wish to woohoo once they’re capable of doing so. (It’s not nearly as automatic a response in The Sims 3 as it is in The Sims 2.) With his brothers I have extremely little doubt.

After this I had the boys invite the girls to stay over. Lydia and Jael because they need their makeovers from De (De’s about to go to bed at this point). Sunshine because it wouldn’t be fair to send her home and not the other two. There are enough unused beds at this point for all three of them anyway.

As a side note, now Tucker’s broken up with Livia. Again.


The next morning, Ferby dashed off to work. Today is a bit exciting for him, even though he’d rather just get married, because he’s probably going to get his final promotion to Power Broker! He may earn less money overall because Power Brokers work fewer and shorter days, but his pension will be bigger when he retires.


And before they had to go to school, it’s time for Jael and Lydia’s makeovers.


Jael’s pretty, if not overwhelmingly gorgeous. Most importantly though is that she looks different from most other people in town. I made sure none of the six girls I inserted into the town looked much like other living townsfolk.


She loved her makeover! Her favorite color is purple, can you tell?


Lydia: “I seriously look way too nice. I’m evil and I want to be a rockstar!”


This is what De and I came up with. Turns out Jael wasn’t the only one who likes purple.


Lydia: “Eh, it’s OK, I guess. Better luck next time.”

Dementia: “Huh?”


Dementia: “You don’t like it?”

Lydia: “Nope.”


Dementia: *doesn’t get it*

Lydia: *totally said she didn’t like it just to upset De*

And now Tucker’s the new Town Bully. Oh boy.


Terrible: “Emperor, why is your girlfriend following the school bus on her bike?”

Emperor: “No idea. She had to leave before school just like Jael and Lydia, but didn’t make it off the lot before the bus arrived. I guess that’s why.”

Dark: “I hate school. And there’s too many people on this bus.”


Bus Driver: *thinking* “Don’t make eye contact. Must not show fear. Oh, crap! I almost forgot that they’re mind-readers! I can’t think either! Don’t think, don’t think, don’t think. Aagh! Why can’t I stop thinking?!”

Terrible: “At least the driver is still entertaining.”

Emperor: “Absolutely.”

Dark: *glares at back of driver’s head*

Bus Driver: *breaks out into a cold sweat*


“Oh, Mother, Father, I miss you both so much!”


“I dedicate this last promotion to both of you. May the bonus money help make up for the loss of household income that my marriage will bring.”


And that night were the boys’ Afterschool Activities Award Ceremonies. Everyone made it!



Ferby: *trips over own feet* *thinks* “How embarassing, I hope Emperor didn’t see that.”


Terrible: “Booga booga!”

Dementia: “Aagh! Terrible, don’t scare me like—! Wow, Dark looks happy.”

Dark: *thinks* “I am in the best mood ever.”


Emperor: “Boo!”

Terrible: “Yah! What was that for?!”

Emperor: “You scared De. Seriously, man, she doesn’t deserve that.”

Dementia: “I’m trying to be grateful, but… it’s too much work.”

Dark: *thinking* “I want to paint Lydia’s portrait.”

That boy really is in love. I don’t think he noticed any of this happening.

And that’s all for now! Will I manage to get a proper wedding planned? Will Ripley have the good sense to say yes at the altar when I try to get them married? How will the rest of the family react, considering the fact that Ferby’s the one who cooks everything for them? Find out next time! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.-3 – Picking up the pieces

Welcome back! See, I told you it wouldn’t be long. I was right for a change! If you somehow managed to block it from your memory, Dewey and Tyranica died in the middle of the afternoon on the very day Dewey finally retired. The kids were all very upset. I was very upset. I have it on good authority that large parts of the extended family outside of the legacy household were very upset too. When you add in all the close friends Nica and Dewey had from work, it put nearly a quarter of the entire population into a state of grief! I didn’t get pictures of it, but I kept on noticing sims all over town crying over one or the other of them for the entire two-day grieving period. I never realized just how much of an impact they had on the town until they were gone.

Anyway, let’s see if this chapter manages to be happier, shall we?


And our chapter opens with… this. I originally took this picture to prove that the boys have made friends with their cousins at school. Only long after I took it did I realize just how creepy Ida looks in this picture. I know she’s an evil vampire but… wow.


That painting had better turn out as well as it looks like it should. I’m going to be really irritated if I have to invite Hellcat over just to pose again. I don’t mind inviting her over to visit, but it’s annoying to have her come just so De can spend the whole visit painting instead of socializing.


The next morning I had De visit Helspeth’s place to make over Rose (Helspeth’s newest daughter). She’s so cute! … In an vampire Overlord sort of way.


That night was the boys’ After School Activities award ceremony. None of them could work up any enthusiasm over it though.


Hey, Dark.


You know Lydia, the girl who Terrible met at prom but then went steady with another guy?

“What about her?”

She dumped her boyfriend.


So call her! Now I know she started with Terrible, but he really likes Jael now so he’ll be fine with it. I bet he’d approve, in fact.

*sigh* “Fine, if you insist.”


“Hey, Lydia? … Hi, it’s Dark. Terrible’s brother. … Yeah. Anyway, LE was wondering—“


“I mean I was wondering if you’d like to come over. … Really? Uh, OK. I’ll see you soon.”


“I can’t believe you’re making me chase girls the day after my parents both died.”

Dark, I know it seems callous of me, but I promise that I really just want you to be happy. I have a good feeling about this one.

“Did you look up her traits or something?”

Uh… maybe. … I will neither confirm nor deny such a thing.

“… OK, now I’m curious.”


A little while later…

Lydia: “You looked really upset at school today, Dark. Are you OK?”

Dark: “Honestly… No, I’m not. My parents died yesterday afternoon.”

Lydia: “Both of them?”

Dark: “Yeah. Mom always did say that she couldn’t live without Dad. She was serious.”


Lydia: “Oh, poor Dark. You look like you need a hug.”

Dark: *breaks down* “It was awful, Lydia! They died in the middle of the afternoon – we only barely got home in time from school before they were gone!”

Lydia: “There, there. Real men cry, so you just go right ahead.”

Dark: “I miss them so much.”

Lydia: “Of course, you do.”

(Wow. He autonomously cried on her shoulder and she was completely supportive!)


Meanwhile, Ida had come over again. She and Emperor were having a deep conversation about important matters of life.

Emperor: “The youth of Sunset Valley should rise up against the Establishment! We shouldn’t let ourselves be put down by The Man anymore!”


Ida: “You’re absolutely right, Cousin!”


And they became best friends over Emperor being Rebellious. This family never ceases to amuse me.


The portrait of Hellcat is a Masterpiece? I’m glad De finally got to fulfill that Paint a Masterpiece wish she’s had in her panel forever, but… Of all the portraits painted in this family – at least half of which were painted by master painters – the portrait of an Imaginary Friend painted by someone who’s still trying to master the skill is a masterpiece. Although I can’t say I’m surprised, just because that’s my luck.


After having a good cry, Dark did his homework with Lydia.

Dark: “I just don’t understand why people seem to like the tropics so much. They’re so bright, sunny, and colorful.”

Lydia: “Tell me about it. I’d rather vacation in a haunted mansion.”

Dark: “You’d love it around here then.”

(It seems that Lydia feels the same about bright cheeriness as Dark does.)


And before Lydia goes home she demonstrates that she not only has musical talent, but also loves music enough to have her own drums! Since musical sims and artistic sims often get along, this bodes well.


The next day I got a lot of this.


And a lot of this.


And this.

Come on, people! I’m sad too, you know. Could you please go for at least five minutes without breaking down on me? (I know that sounds mean, but it was really hard to play them during the mourning period. I almost felt like crying too every time they did this.)


To distract him from grief, I sent Ferby to see Ripley and Patrice. He still hasn’t managed to get officially engaged yet.


Plus it’s Patrice’s birthday. As her soon-to-be step-father, I’m sure Ferby wouldn’t want to miss the day she becomes a teen.


Meanwhile, Dementia finally mastered painting! That’s another thing she’s been wishing to do forever, which means it’s a good boost to her mood thanks to that Fulfilled moodlet.


“Terrible? It’s doesn’t bother you that I like Lydia, does it?”


“No, Jael’s much better for me. I wish she were here, actually.”

Well I can see if that can be arranged after she gets off of work at her part-time job.


Back in Ripley’s mansion…


Ferby: “Ripley?”

Ripley: “Yes?”


Ferby: “Would you – Oh shoot! Whew! I almost dropped it.”

Ripley: “You are highly endearing when you are afflicted by your Clumsy trait.”

In other words: he’s so cute when he’s dropping things and tripping all over himself! I agree completely, which is what makes it sad that it’s so hard to catch pictures of those moments in which you can actually tell what’s happening just from seeing it.

Ferby: “All right, let’s try this again.”


Ferby: “Will you marry me, Ripley?”


Ripley: “I am afraid not, Ferby.”


Ferby: “But… why?”


Ripley: “It is not that I do not love you, Ferby, because I do. I simply do not feel that I should make such a commitment at this present time.”

Ferby: “All right. I understand. At least I’m trying to.”

You’ve got to be kidding me!


How do you feel about this Patrice?

“I believe that Mother is behaving stupidly. She wishes to be with Ferby and I wish for him to become my father. This is beyond ridiculous.”

I agree.


“Did you hear that?”

Hear what?

“A voice telling me to murder Mother.”

… You rolled Insane, didn’t you?

“This must be the Malevolence. I shall ignore it then.”

That’s probably wise.


Sunshine: “I know how you feel, Emperor. My mom just died too.”

Emperor: “Really?”

Sunshine: “Yeah.”

Emperor: “Are you all right?”

Sunshine: “Are you?”

Emperor: “… Want to go watch the stars for a bit?”

Sunshine: “Sure.”

Wow, you two. Would it kill you to get a little emotional? I’d say it’s warranted.


I like this picture. Aside from the non-existent ceiling tiles that are extending out from the decks for some reason, it’s rather pretty, I think.


Emperor: “See that one? My grandfather discovered that one.”


Sunshine: “You mean that big, red, ominous-looking one?”

Emperor: “That’s the one.”

Sunshine: “Cool!”


Sunshine: “Hey, you want to know something I heard about LE?”

Say what now?

Emperor: “Sure.”

Sunshine: “Well I heard—“ *whisper*

What is she saying about me?


Emperor: *smirk* “That’s hilarious!”

What is?

Sunshine: “Yeah, I thought it was pretty funny.”

What?! Hello?! … Oh, fine. Be that way. I bet you two are just doing this to drive me crazy and there aren’t actually any stories about me going around in the first place.


Sincronized emotional breakdowns in 3… 2… 1…


Emperor and Sunshine: “Mom!” *sob*

I feel bad, even if it does serve them right.


Lydia’s back over, by the way.

Lydia: “You’re not seeing anyone, are you, Dark?”

Dark: “Uh… If you’re asking me if I have a girlfriend then, no. Why?”

Lydia: “Because I like you.”

Dark: “… Somehow I thought this would be harder.”


While Dark is momentarily off to tend to various needs…

“Kheh heheheheheh!”

Wow, now that is some evil laugh face.


“What are you looking at?”

Your evil laugh face.

“Do you think Dark will like it?”



(If you didn’t guess by now, yes, Lydia is evil. In fact she’s Evil, Childish, a Hopeless Romantic, and a Virtuoso. Her and Dark would be an interesting combination.)


Meanwhile, back in Ripley’s mansion…

“Get back, foul Malevolence! Unhand my, uh, hand!”

Yep, Patrice definitely rolled Insane.

At this point, unfortunately, I got Code 12 for the millionth time. Fortunately, I had saved just a little earlier that day and didn’t have a whole lot to replay. Will the second try at playing that night give Ferby better luck with his proposal? Will Lydia still like Dark the second time around? Will I manage to get Jael over for Terrible? Find out next time! Thanks for reading!

Chapter 3.-4 – True love never dies

Welcome to Chapter 3.-4! No, I’m not confused; and, yes, I can count. In fact, I can count in negative numbers. (For those who are mathematically inclined, my favorite number happens to be i. I’m not nearly as good at math as that would normally indicate though.) Another possible title for this chapter would be “All hail the lazy one” but I thought that was a little too lighthearted for this. Yet another could have been “Um… Yeah. This is… an unusual situation” but it just wasn’t poetic enough. Now that you’re already forming theories about exactly what’s going on, let’s return to the legacy!


But first I’m going to be really mean and start off with the picture of their evil tent.

Oh, I didn’t get a picture of it for some reason, but Dark actually managed to have a good dream about a date. Maybe there’s hope for him after all.


I’d been waiting all this time for Dewey to roll up the wish to retire, and he finally did. If he didn’t roll up the wish now, I would have made him retire anyway. He’s 90, which means that this evening he’s officially in danger of dying of old age. Nica is already 95 and this is normally one of Dewey’s work days. I’d like them to have some mutual retirement together and it’s officially to the point of now or possibly never.


“Hi, this is Dewey Overlord. … I was just wondering if everything is set for my retirement. … Great! I’m sure you all will be able to keep the free world safe.”


“I’m going to miss you guys too. Just remember to encourage the media to run a news story about cows and yetis currently being harmless every once in a while. Nobody wants my wife to think you’re not doing your job, because we all know nobody would like the results of her storming in there one day and ‘laying down the law’ so to speak. … Wonderful! Keep in touch.”


“Yay, I’m retired!”


Tyranica: “Yay, Dewey’s retired!”

You’d think the retirement of the Leader of the Free World would be a bigger deal.


Ferby got promoted to Chairman of the Board (Level 9), and is still unmarried. *sigh*

I feel your pain, Ferby. Don’t worry, I promise to add some days to your lifespan by rewinding your age a bit when you’re moved out. It’s only fair, I think.

“Thanks, LE.”

It’s the least I can do.


Wait a minute, why did my view suddenly get pulled over to the home lot? Wait… Oh, no.

Dewey: “What’s that sound?”

Tyranica: *is playing the piano*


“I suddenly feel a bit odd…”

No, no, no, nonononono, NO! It’s barely after 2pm! I’ve never had a sim die any earlier than 5, and that was only if the sim lived extra days! This is Dewey’s 90th day! This shouldn’t happen any earlier than evening, not in the middle of the afternoon!


“Oh, I guess I just died. Isn’t it a little early?”

A little?! Try hours! No, Dewey, you can’t die! The triplets are still in high school! You can’t just leave Nica by herself!


Dewey: “Nica will be fine. She’s got Ferby and De to help her.”

But De doesn’t count, and you know that. For that matter, Ferby is getting married and moving out as soon as I can manage it. … That’s another reason you can’t die – you need to be here for the wedding!

Tyranica: “I sense a grave disturbance.”


Dewey: “It’s not that bad. The triplets only have a little less than a week before they grow up. It’ll be fine. Nica will manage.”



“Oh, my sweet Dewey. You’re almost a week younger than me – how can you die first?”


“No, Dewey, you can’t do this to me! Don’t you know that I can’t live without you?!”


“What is life worth if I can’t have you by my side, my love?”

No, Dewey. I don’t think she’s going to manage at all.




… *smirks in spite of self* Really? Grim Reaper popped up on the other side of the wall?

The following walls-down pictures are sponsored by none other than the Grim Reaper himself. Apparently whatever means he uses to know where to show up didn’t have the completed floor plans of the mansion.


Ferby: “What’s going on?! Dad?! But it’s not even three yet!”

Tyranica: “It’s not fair. It’s just not fair.”

Dewey: “There’s a scythe blade sticking out of the wall? That’s weird.”


Grim Reaper: “I have come for you, Dewey Overlord!”

Dewey: “Wow, the wall has the Grim Reaper’s voice! That’s hilarious!”

Grim Reaper: “I’m on the other side of the wall, Mr. Overlord.”

Dewey: “Oh, well that makes more sense. … I think.”

Tyranica: “No, I won’t be left like this.”


Ferby: “Mom?”

Tyranica: “Hah! If he can’t stay with me, then I’ll go with him!”

What?! It’s still not even three yet! This never happens!!!!! (Wow, five exclamation points. That’s not a good sign. I’m losing my grip on reality! Look what they’ve done!!! AAAAGGGHH!!!!!) *has a brief breakdown*

Grim Reaper: “Dewey Overlord, come wi—. Wait a minute. I don’t remember both of them being on my schedule this afternoon.”


Dewey: “Nica’s coming with me? That’s great!”

Tyranica: “Huh. I feel… pleasantly tingly.”

Ferby: “This… can’t be happening.”


Ferby: “This can’t be real!”

Dewey: “You’re really coming, Nica?”

Tyranica: “Yes, Dewey my love.”

Dewey: “But what about the kids?”

Tyranica: “I defeated the cows and the yetis, placated the potatoes, and got the pelicans’ solemn oath to keep the barnacles from becoming a threat. The kids will be fine.”

Dewey: “…If you say so, Dearest.”


Grim Reaper: “OK, people. Stop ignoring me.”

Dewey: “You have to admit that it’s really easy to ignore you when you’re on the other side of the wall.”


Grim Reaper: “Fine. I’ll just come all the way around, shall I?”

Dewey: “Sounds good to me, Grim! … What are you so upset about, Ferby?”

Ferby: “… Are you serious?”


Grim Reaper: “All right, I came all the way around. You certainly couldn’t have come to me, after all. It’s not like I’m anyone important anyway.”

Dewey: “That’s no kind of self-image to have.”

Grim Reaper: “I was being sarcastic.”

Dementia: “What’s the Grim Reaper doing here?”


Dewey: “Wait, I’ve just come to my senses! We can’t both die – the children need us! You’ve got to let at least one of us live a little longer, Grim!”

Grim Reaper: “Oh, now you take this seriously.”

Dark: “What are you standing here for, De?”

Dementia: “I’m trying to remember why the Grim Reaper’s being here is significant. The reason is escaping me at the moment.”

Dark: “Grim only shows up when someone dies. … Wait a minute – Grim’s here?!”


Dewey: “Please?”

Grim Reaper: “No.”

Ferby: “Oh, no! Dad’s urn has appeared!”

Tyranica: “Why are you so upset, Ferby?”

Ferby: “Mother, do you seriously not realize?!”


Dewey: “Come on, please?”

Grim Reaper: “No.”

Tyranica: “There, there, Ferby. It’s not all bad.”

Ferby: “How can you say that? It is all bad!”


Dewey: “Think of my children!”

Grim Reaper: “Look, my job isn’t to worry about still-living family. My job is to collect the spirits of departed legacy sims. You’re making this harder than it needs to be.”

Tyranica: “No, Ferby, it’s all right. I get to go with your father!”

Ferby: “That’s the whole problem – you’re both going!”

Tyranica: “… I still don’t see what’s to bad about that.”


Dewey: “Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top?”

Grim: “Oh, for the love of—! No! Absolutely not! For crying out loud, can’t you just accept your death with some dignity?!”


*Finally snaps out of it* Emperor! Get in here!


“I’m running as fast as I can!”



Yikes! Grim really must have lost his patience, because he literally sent Dewey flying into his urn! My view was sitting about where the urn is, which means that my screen was suddenly filled with the startled, ghostly face of Dewey. It happened so quickly and startled me so badly that I couldn’t get a picture. Take my word for it – it was dramatic. Or perhaps traumatic would be a better word.


Tyranica: “… You’re all really upset, aren’t you?”

Ferby: “You think?!”


Tyranica: “I guess it never really occurred to me that you guys would react this strongly.”


Ferby: “You’re our parents – why wouldn’t we react like this?!”


Look at that – even Rebellious Emperor is crying now! Those poor boys.


Tyranica: “Come to think of it, I was pretty devastated when my parents died too.”


“Mother, Father, I’ll *sniff* miss you.”


“Why did you both have to leave me? You know how lazy and forgetful I am – once Ferby gets married there’s no knowing what’ll happen!”


“I… I’ve never known true grief and despair until this moment. Stop looking at me!”


This has got to be the saddest sim day ever.


Oh dear. Nica’s urn has appeared.


Tyranica: “You’re really going to fall apart without your father and I, aren’t you?”


Tyranica: “Grim, you can’t take Dewey and I! At least wait until the triplets are grown!”

Grim Reaper: “Seriously now? First Dewey insists that I leave one of you, and now you’re insisting on both? Just what makes you think you’ll get a different answer than your husband did?”


“But you and I are old friends! Remember when I gave you my autograph?!”


“Just another sim week?”


Grim Reaper: “Another week? That’s like seven years!”


Tyranica: “But look at them! They need their parents!”


Grim Reaper: “I’ll admit that I feel a bit bad about this, all right? But this is my job.”

Tyranica: “Please?”

Grim Reaper: *sigh* “I can’t take this anymore. Just get in the urn and let’s get out of here. This is depressing.”


Wow, he really did want to get out of here! He sent Nica flying too, except she went flying in a completely random direction… Um… Well I guess she and Grim are both Insane. Maybe that’s why?


Naturally, no one felt better about it being over with.


Emperor: “Bwahahahahahahah!”

Dark: “Is this really the time, Emperor?”


Emperor: “Look, Dark, I need to do something to feel better. Maniacal laughter is very therapeutic, you know.”

Dark: “Whatever. I think I’m going to crawl in a hole somewhere until I feel like I can deal with people again.”


Emperor: “Heh heh heh! Hahahahahah!”

Dark: “A deep, dark hole.”


“Wait a second, why am I crying?”

Are you serious?

“Um… yes? I just… suddenly can’t remember what I was so upset about.”

… Wow. Just… wow. … You’re parents both just died, De.

“Oh… Oh, yeah…”


Oh, De?


Since my policy is that the heir cannot officially start his or her reign until young adulthood, Dark still has nearly a week before he can take over.


So, since Ferby’s going to get married and move out before you, you’re the regent.


Yes. A regent is a person who reigns for an heir to a throne if that heir is too young to rule on his own when he inherits the throne. Basically, you’re responsible for the welfare of the family until the triplets grow up.

“…We’re all doomed, aren’t we?”

Don’t worry, I’m here to help you!

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

Hey! (I see her thinking about diamonds there. Somebody just remembered about the inheritance money.)

And this is where I must leave them for now. Don’t worry, I’m going to try to get the next chapter written as quickly as I can. It’s not one big funeral like this one.

Will Dementia manage to keep the family from spiraling down into chaos? Will the boys manage to keep their grades up in spite of the huge hits to their moods the deaths of their parents caused? Will I ever find the perfect girl for Dark, or will he have to settle for whatever’s available at the time? Begin to get the answers next time – thanks for reading!

Chapter 2.20 – Dating and dysfunction

Welcome back yet again! Last time prom was finally over and done with. Emphasis on finally. I also told you all what my decision was on the heirship. It was really hard though, because I love all of the triplets. Terrible would have been heir in an instant just because of the blond hair if his face hadn’t been almost indistinguishable from a Face One. The legacy town is getting overrun with Face Ones of both genders, and I’d rather not risk having the Overlords looking like everyone else in one or two more generations. Emperor came really close, but I chose Dark in the end. It really wasn’t just the eye color though. A large part of my decision was the fact that Dark is simply hilariously fun to play. The pictures really don’t do it justice at all. You actually haven’t even seen the factor that finalized my decision forever though, because that’s who the boys each end up with. Sadly, you only see one for sure and get a glimpse of the other two (though I’m not telling who ends up with Dark until it happens). I know, I’m a horrible person.

Anyway, on with the legacy!


Ah, Ayesha. She still enjoys a good workout.

In other news, Hellcat joined the Kingpin. Emil, her no-good husband, obviously has no sense of self-preservation because he’s doing his gigolo thing and cheating on Hellcat with the female vampire I moved into town.

Meanwhile, Lydia moved on from Terrible and went steady with some other guy! Grrr. Now she and Terrible are just good friends. Now the question is whether or not Terrible cares enough to steal her back… Vincenzio at least went steady with his girl. Good for him!

Helspeth’s mother-in-law is now human because she lost a fight with Ripley the Vampire Slayer. (I still can’t get over that.)


Hahahahahahah! I had Dark dream about going on a date, and it was a nightmare! Ah, my little Loner. You can see what’s going on in his dream in the background, because the following scene takes place in his room while he’s sleeping. Why? Because De apparently decided to use his shower instead of her own.

Ferby: “De… You’re evil, aren’t you?!”

What, he just now figured that out?

Dementia: “Uh, no, that’s our grandfather. I’m Dementia.”


Ferby: “No, I mean you have the Evil trait!”

Dementia: “Duh! When did you figure that out, Sherlock?”


Ferby: “How can you be evil? Don’t you realize that makes you a horrible person?”


Dementia: “So? Maybe I like being a horrible person, you goody-two-shoes.”


Poor Dark is dreaming about death in his dream about a date.

Dementia: “Grrr! Ferby, you’re an idiot! I—!”


Dementia: “Gyah! Wait a minute, this is Ferby! I’ve never seen you get this angry about anything except the shower being broken! Are you OK?!”


Ferby: “No, I am not. I am good but my dear family is evil. This saddens me to no end.”

Oh, dear. Now the yetis have invaded Dark’s dream.


Dementia: “Yeah… Well… You’re stupid! Your goodness is stupid! Your Ambitious trait is stupid too!”

Ferby: “I’m going to go to bed. I really don’t want to fight with you.”

Then why did you start it, Ferby?

Dementia: “Blah, blah, blah. I’m Ferby! I’m completely oblivious because I’ve got my head under a pile of spreadsheets because that’s how Ambitious sims are!”

Ferby: “Good night, De.”

Dementia: “Blah, blah, blah blah blah!”

De, be quiet. You’ll wake Dark up, and I don’t think you want to do that right now.


I hope you’re proud of yourself, Ferby. I know she’s evil and you’re good, but you totally started that one. And you started it when both of you should have been getting into bed, no less. It’s just a good thing that tomorrow is Saturday.


Emperor started learning how to drive.

Dewey: “So her name is Sunshine?”

Emperor: “Yeah.”

Dewey: “She sounds like a nice girl.”

Emperor: “… Do you mean nice in the sense that she won’t want to kill me in my sleep just because she woke up with a headache, or nice in the sense that she’d want to decorate everything with pink doilies and general cuteness?”

Dewey: “Um… More the latter, if not that extreme.”

Emperor: “Man, I hope she isn’t.”


Wait a minute. Ferby you’re not going to—?


Ferby: “Mother, I can’t believe it! You’re evil too?!”

Tyranica: “Well, yeah. So what?”


Ferby: “That’s terrible!”

Tyranica: “No, that’s your brother.”

Ferby: “You know what I mean.”

Tyranica: “Why don’t you just go back to working and writing disgustingly cute letters to Ripley? I think that would be a better use of your time.”

Really, Ferby? Your mother isn’t going to be around that much longer. Do you really want to risk her dying mad at you? (I need to get this poor man married and moved out. He’s clearly beginning to fall apart.)


Dementia: “Bwahahahahahah!”

Terrible: “De, could you do that somewhere else? You’re in my way.”

Dementia: “Keheheheheheheh!”

Terrible: “No, really, De. Move it.”

Dementia: “Ah hahahahahah!”

Terrible: “Did you want something?”

Dementia: “I want to teach you how to drive.”

Terrible: “…Really?”

Dementia: “Yes, I rolled up the wish just a moment ago. Now move it, before the inspiration leaves me!”

Terrible: “Um… OK… I guess.”


What’s wrong, Nica?

Tyranica: “For some reason my left hand wants me to burn down Ripley’s mansion. Why would I want to do that? I like Ripley!”

Don’t listen to it, Nica!

Tyranica: “Believe me, I won’t! Leave me alone, you stupid hand!”

Hellcat: “Hi, guys! You invited me over for something?”


Meanwhile, with Terrible and De…

Terrible: “You’re bored already, aren’t you?”

Dementia: “Yup. At least I don’t really have to do much.”

Terrible: “Whatever.”

I’d never seen an older sibling roll up the wish to teach a teen to drive before this.


Dewey: “Hi, Hellcat! Great to see you again! How’s family life?”

Hellcat: “Emil is two steps away from my going medieval on him.”

(If she knew that he’s now whoring around with the Kingpin – who she follows – he’d only be one step away. Definitely no sense of self-preservation there.)

Dewey: “Um… That’s… too bad. Uh… Anyway, want to spend the night so that De can try to paint a good portrait of you in the morning?”

Hellcat: “Sure, why not? Sounds like fun!”

(I have no idea what Dark is cackling about back there. I’m just happy I finally caught him doing it quickly enough to get a picture. He usually does it when I’m paying attention to someone else.)


Dark: “Hey, Mom? I’ve almost finished learning how to drive, but I need a little more supervised practice. Do you think you could help me?”

Tyranica: “Of course, Dark. I would be happy to.”

Dark: “Thanks, Mom!”


Yay, he finally finished learning to drive!

Of course, for some reason they don’t just drive home together afterward. I don’t know why, but they always part ways and go home separately. Programming oversight?


Dark had just gotten back on the property when the getting caught out after curfew action came up in his queue. Ah, come on! He’s already on the property!


Seriously? Dark had to leave the property and walk all the way down the street just to get picked up by the police and taken home? Really now? … Really?


Tyranica: “The police caught you out after curfew?”

Dark: “Yeah, but it’s no big deal, Mom. I was already home – they made me leave our lot and run down the street just so they could bring me right back again. It was stupid. I was only out there in the first place because you finished teaching me to drive anyway.”


Tyranica: “How could you have been so irresponsible?!”

Dark: “Huh?”


Tyranica: “Don’t you realize how hard I and your aunts had to work to build up the family reputation?! You will not ruin that with such behavior!”

Dark: “This is garbage, Mom! I didn’t do anything wrong! I was coming straight home after you ran off without me!”


Tyranica: “Are you blaming me, young man?”

Dark: “Uh, no! I’d never do that, Mom!” *thinks* “Of course, I blame you. I’m just not going to say that to your face because even I realize you’re nuts.”


Dark: *thinking* “Very well, Mother. I shall play your game, and I shall win. I know your greatest  weakness, after all.”


Dark: “Please forgive me, Mom? I promise I’ll never do it again.”

Tyranica: “Hm. I don’t know…”

Dark: “Please?” *thinking* “As much as I hate it, I know Mom thinks I’m adorable. She can’t possibly resist my sad, pleading expression.”


Tyranica: “Oh, you’re just so cute when you’re contrite! How could I stay mad at you?”

Dark: *thinking* “Hah! I knew it!”


Dark: “Thanks, Mom! I really appreciate it!”

Wow, look at that smile!

Tyranica: “You, my son, are a true Overlord. You just played me like a harp, didn’t you?”


Dark: “Uh… Yes. Yes, I did.”

Tyranica: “Excellent work, Dark. You do the family proud.”

Dark: “… I love you, Mom.”

Tyranica: “I love you too, Dark.”

Ah, family bonding. … Bonding over emotionally manipulating each other. … They’re a tad messed up, wouldn’t you say?


This one looks like it’ll be a good painting, but I remain unconvinced. The last one looked like that until I moved it, then it looked splotchy like the others. I’m hoping this one remains clear because I won’t have to move it.


Dewey and Tyranica – still in love!

I’m sure that someday I’ll have a couple in one of my challenges that I won’t absolutely love the pairing of, but that day has not yet come. Besides, I should hope I like these particular two together, considering the ridiculous amount of work the game made me do just to get them married and growing old together.


This picture is here just to show you Dewey’s work outfit now that he’s Leader of the Free World. He leaves for work the same time the triplets leave for school.


I decided that I’m probably never going to let the Overlords travel to the vacation worlds since that tends to dramatically bloat the file size. Therefore, I used the buydebug cheat to buy the items in the pictures above so that they can learn Nectar Making and Martial Arts, as well as make fortune cookies.


Their gnome is old now. When did that happen?

Now Tucker is romantic with another different girl. He’s just cycling his way through all of the available girls at this point. I’m beginning to think he’d even go for Ida if they weren’t too closely related to each other. I’ve really got to look up that boy’s traits to find out what the cause for all this girl-hopping is.


I had completely forgotten that CEO is only Level 8 of the Business career. Ferby did it! I thought he had two levels to go, but I was wrong! He can marry Ripley now!

… Ferby, aren’t you happy?

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

Well it’s just that you look—Oh… wait. I see.

“Yes, this is my normal face, LE. I really don’t know how you manage to keep forgetting.”

Sorry about that.

(Not as sorry as about what happened next though. I got another Code 12! Fortunately, I just had to play through the one day again and absolutely nothing of note happened differently. Although I feel even worse about the fact that I started having trouble finding a good time to have the wedding…)


Since I seemed incapable of getting the wedding to happen immediately (a series of interfering circumstances – I want a proper wedding, darn it!), I figured I’d work on the relationship problems of the triplets. Who better to call all the girls over than the one who’s still in a relationship?


“Hey, Sunshine! Want to come over for a little while?”


“Great! See you soon. Oh, could you have your taxi swing by and pick up the other girls? … Yeah, exactly. … Tell me about it. My brothers are hopeless.”

That wasn’t very nice. … I said to the evil rebel. … Yeah…


It’s a good thing I finally built the mansion, otherwise people would be getting in each other’s way all over the place. Ripley was able to come over (extremely briefly), and Vincenzio had come home with one of the triplets from school. As requested, Sunshine brought the three currently single girls. It was a bit chaotic.


I made Dark talk to each of the single girls to see if he could connect with any of them. Sadly he seemed to have little success. He just couldn’t seem to find the one.

Ironically, Terrible seemed to like the girl in this picture, though I didn’t seem to get a picture of him talking to her himself for some reason. I probably got distracted by something and forgot I hadn’t taken one. Her name’s Jael, which is from the Bible. (Jael was a woman whose claim to fame was preventing a war against the Israelites by driving a tent stake through an enemy general’s head while he slept. It’s the only name among the girls I put in town that I’ve never known someone who had it.) As long as Jael doesn’t end up going steady with someone else before I can invite her over again, she has a very good chance of being courted by Terrible.


As you can see, Emperor was very happy to see Sunshine again.


I’m beginning to wonder if it’s impossible for an Overlord to not make some sort of weird expression while holding hands. At least this one isn’t as bad as his mother’s.


Awwww! I love seeing my sims happy! Look how sweet and gentle he manages to look! That’s how you know he’s really fallen for her, considering that he’s an evil rebel.


Will she let him have his first kiss?


Um… She did. I promise. I’m… not sure why I couldn’t get a picture of it. Likely something in real life startled me the moment I unpaused the game. Well… phooey!


Emperor: “Sunshine? Would you possibly consider being my girlfriend?”


Sunshine: “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend. You know, you’re really cute when you’re nervous, Emperor.”

Emperor: “From you, I’ll take that as a complement. … You don’t have a thing for doilies  and overwhelming cuteness, do you?”

Sunshine: “Uh… no. Why?”

Emperor: “No reason. That’s fantastic that you don’t, by the way.”

Sunshine: “Um… sure. Whatever. I’m just going to chalk this one up to your Eccentric trait, shall I?”

Emperor: “Sure, why not?”


Sunshine: “Do you work out?”

Emperor: “Yeah. It might actually show when I have my next birthday. I’m not really sure why you can’t tell now.”

Me neither. For some reason, no matter what you do, the game has a tendency to forget it’s supposed to be showing muscle gain on teens.

Tyranica: *looks on with approval*


Nica, are you spying on your son and his girlfriend?

Tyranica: “Not really. He wants to marry that girl, you know.”

He really does. He rolled up the wish the moment they went steady. It wasn’t possible, so far as I’d ever seen, for a teen to roll up the wish to propose marriage before. I can only assume it’s because it’s possible for me to set Twallan’s Story Progression to allow teens to get married. I guess they can still roll up the wish to get engaged even if you have the ability to get married as teens disabled.


I had Dementia give Sunshine a full makeover. When deciding what to put her in, I asked myself what Dementia would put her little brother’s girlfriend in.


This was the result.


Sunshine loved it!


I certainly wouldn’t put my little brother’s girlfriend in that outfit. But, then again, I don’t live in a world where it is literally impossible for teens to do more than kiss. Plus I’m not Dementia, for which I am very thankful. (I love her, but… seriously.)

Dressing up non-evil future Overlord spouses is fun! I get to use other colors!

And this is where I shall leave them for now. Will Dark ever find someone who understands him? Will Ferby manage to stay sane while I try to find a time for a wedding that’s good for everyone? Will the official reign of Generation 3 ever begin? Come back next time for at least partial answers! Thanks for reading!