
Hi! I’m Lady Elrienne, or LE for short, also known as SolarrinXV on boolprop and the official Sims sites. Welcome to my legacy!

The Evil Overlord Legacy is a normal Sims 3 legacy challenge with a tongue-in-cheek evil theme. It’s my first Sims 3 challenge, and the first Sims challenge I’ve ever succeeded in putting on the Internet. (I had an apocalypse and a double kingdom challenge in The Sims 2, but both were killed by technical issues and glitches before I could put them on the story exchange.)

The style of the story is very casual, and sometimes involves a lot of my talking to my sims (especially in the beginning when my founder doesn’t have anyone else around). I’m actually well-versed in proper grammar, but will sometimes choose to use improper (bad) grammar because of the casual nature of the style I’m writing the challenge in. I do quite a bit of serious writing and might like to get published some day; thus I will mostly use writing Sims challenges as a venue where I can just have fun with it.

I hope that my triumphs and failures, as well as my portrayal of both, during the course of the challenge serve to entertain.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. You really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be actually something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

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